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Kittredge Konnection – November 9, 2021


Volleyball Playoffs Today!

We look forward to watching our team on Zoom as they bump, set, and spike their way to the end of another season. If we win today the finals are Friday.

Whatever today’s outcome brings, it’s been a great season. Congratulations to Coach Gules and the team. Way to go Luke, Maddy, Lauren, Erin, Pilar, Niko, Abby, Saphina, Maria, Cerys, Allie, Collette, Mia, Zach, Lachlan, Jonah, Amelia, Jackie, Cara and our Zoom videographer, Gavin.

Here’s the link for today’s game at 4:00pm:


Vaccination Updates

Thank you to everyone for scheduling vaccination appointments for your children. We strongly believe in the value of a fully vaccinated community and appreciate your support towards this goal.

When you get a chance, please upload your child’s vaccine card, as well as yours, if you haven’t done that yet. Here’s the link: Thank you again!



NatureBridge Information Night for 7th & 8th Grade Families, Tomorrow on Zoom

November 10 at 7:00p, all 7th and 8th grade families will meet on Zoom to learn about the outdoor education program at Yosemite National Park.

This is a very important meeting for everyone as first time participants in this program.

This meeting will set the tone and go over details to ensure a positive and successful week of outdoor education. We will talk about the academic requirements, behavioral expectations and the importance of team building. You will hear/see what a typical day at NatureBridge will be like, and will be able to ask questions and address any concerns you have as a student, parent or family.


Cross Country Finals -Thursday, November 11 at 3:30

Our Cross Country team has made it to the finish line race and is ready for the finals! Every runner should be proud of their improved their time and stamina throughout the season.

Congratulations to our team coaches Ms. Katie and Ms Forrest, as well as our runners Luke, Cerys, Ari, Allie, Cara, Alyssa, Ishwar and Haia… Go Gags! 



Character Day – November 17

Please help your child join in the fun of this Student Council Spirit Day! This is your chance to be creative and enjoy dressing as a character (any character!) from a book, movie, play, cartoon, etc.

We can’t wait to see what characters show up at school!


Applications are Available online – Sibling Apps are due November 18

If you would like to have a sibling be considered for our 2022 early decision, please complete our TADS on-line application and return the parent and teacher forms by November 18. Early decisions will be sent December 15.


Our First Trimester Ends November 19

Please remember that the first trimester will end in less than 2 weeks. Parents can check their child’s progress on TeacherEase. Please feel free to contact teachers with any questions.


Thanksgiving Holiday Break – November 22 to 26

Are you planning a trip for our Thanksgiving break? Our doors will be closed for the week of November 22-26. We hope that you will take this opportunity to enjoy time with family. Please remember that unvaccinated air travel requires a 7 day quarantine and a negative covid test before returning to school.



December Conferences

As written in our calendar, we will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences on December 9 and 10. Conferences will be in person this year for all masked and vaccinated parents. Please make sure you have uploaded your vaccination card in our google sheet so you can attend.

Teachers will be emailing sign up sheets next week. We hope to have everyone’s choices before Thanksgiving Break.



Kittredge Parents Association Meeting – This Evening

Please join us for all things KPA at 6pm. KPA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.  Hear about the events that are coming up and how you can play a part.  We look forward to seeing you at school or on Zoom.  Due to Covid protocols, you must be vaccinated to attend in person. The Zoom link is in today’s email.


See’s Candy

In one week’s time Kittredge has managed to raise $170 for the KPA in See’s Candy sales. That’s enough to sponsor two writing celebrations! Nicely done Kittredge! Do you want to be a part of the chocolatey fundraising? Support the KPA and take away some wonderful holiday chocolates to share with your local first responders, coworkers, friends, or yourself! This year there is no need for an order form. Order online and have chocolate treats delivered directly to your home. Use this link to purchase holiday gifts all the while supporting a good cause, the Kittredge Parents Association. Want to share this link with others? Please do! Orders can be placed and delivered across the country. Questions? Contact Ms. Pon-Barry, This Yum-raiser ends on December 3rd.



Please Drive Safely

Please use our loading zone to drop off or pick up your child.  If our loading zone is occupied, please consider a lap around the block, dropping off at 24th and Lake or even parking and walking over.  Thank you for being mindful of runners, bikers and scooters as you enter and leave our white zone.   Please try not drop off or pick up your child in the intersection.  We appreciate you driving safely.



November 9: KPA Meeting at 6pm; Science with Ms. Rose

November 10: Zoom NatureBridge meeting; Science w/Ms. Rose

November 11: Cross Country Finals @ 3:30 @ Hellman Hollow

November 16: Science w/Ms. Rose

November 17: Spirit Day – Character Day (book, game, cartoon, etc); Science w/Ms. Rose

November 19: End of first trimester; last day before Thanksgiving Break


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