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Kittredge Konnection – November 6, 2018


Please Be a Voter Today!

We use Character Counts at Kittredge to teach and instill behaviors that develop good citizens in our community. Election Day is a time when, as a family, many of those attributes can shine. Please use your voice and actions to teach your children how voting demonstrates good citizenship and how accepting the results tomorrow shows respect and good character.



Calling all UNICEF Boxes

Tomorrow is the final day to return your box and have the donations count in your classroom totals. Student Council will tally all the boxes and we will let you know the results next week. Thanks very much to everyone who has helped.


Canned Food Drive is Underway

This time of year there are many ways to help and care for those less fortunate than we are. The San Francisco Rescue Mission has dropped off a food collection barrel in the office.

Canned foods, cereals, rice, pastas and paper goods would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


See’s Chocolate Fundraiser… Get your Holiday Shopping Done the Easy Way

Today, we officially kick off the See’s Fundraiser! The forms were sent home with your children and additional forms are located next to Trudy’s desk. Please remember the sale ends Tuesday, November 20 and all orders must be accompanied by cash or a check made out to the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA). Candy will be available by the 2nd week of December. All support big or small is greatly appreciated and thank you for helping make our fundraiser a HUGE success!


And the Winners Are…

The KPA Fall Raffle drawing took place. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets to help the KPA continue to provide so many great things to Kittredge students and teachers. There were 5 numbers drawn, and the winners are:

1st prize (ticket 304) – O’Connell, Eric (warriors tickets)

2nd (ticket 698) – David Liu (iPad)

3rd (ticket 434) – Pinski, Mark ($250 Amazon)

4th (ticket 1012) – Bardhan, Titash ($50 Amazon)

5th (ticket 81) – Osborne, Michelle ($50 Amazon)



Our First Spirit Day – November 13!

Student council has chosen “Class Spirit Day” to be the first school spirit day this year. Each class is working with their teacher to come up with a classroom theme that they will use. We will share the results with each other next Tuesday, November 13.


7th and 8th Grade Ice Skating Trip

In preparation of their week in Yosemite Park, the 7th and 8th grades will put on ice skates at the Yerba Buena skating rink. This will be a chance for them to practice and perfect their ice skating skills before they are at the Curry Village rink.



Kittredge Volleyball Team Made the Playoffs (again)

The Kittredge Volleyball Team had a very exciting season and made the playoffs undefeated in the regular season.

The quarter-final game is today at 6:00pm vs. Synergy at Burkes. Please note: If you go to Burke’s today, please go straight to their gym and do not stop and use their play equipment. Thank you!

If we win, the semi-final game is at 4pm on Wednesday at UCSF Mission Bay and if we win, the Finals will be at 5pm on Friday at Burkes. Details will be announced after each game.

We are very proud of the teamwork, sportsmanship and support of each other that our team demonstrated throughout the season. Go Kittredge!


The Running Gags Season Finale

Our final cross-country race was yesterday and all of our runners did a great job! It should be noted that Alexander Kiss finished fourth in his race and Luke Vilhauer finished eighth in his. Way to go Luke, Alexander and all Running Gags!

It was a great cross-country season. The kids really worked hard, got fitter and ran better by the end of the year! We couldn’t have done it this year without Susan Keene, Tom Vilhauer and Tatiana Piech who ran with the team at practices and coached when needed! Thanks for a great year.



School-Wide Field Trip Tuesday, November 20; No Study Hall November 19 & 20

Tuesday, November 20 the entire school will visit the Academy of Sciences for a day of fun and learning. Students will spend time with their big buddies and their classmates enjoying the exhibits. After lunch, each class will head back to Kittredge with their teachers. If you have volunteered to chaperone and have a membership, please let your child’s teacher know.

On both Monday and Tuesday, 19 and 20, there will be no Study Hall. Study Hall students will be dismissed at 3 to go home or to join Extendo and be picked up at 4:30.


Thanksgiving Holiday Break

No Classes Wednesday, November 21

Please remember there will be no classes on Wednesday, November 21. Extended Day will be available from 8am until 5pm for 5 or more students.

A Survey Monkey link will be emailed later this week. We hope to hear from everyone by November 13, so we can plan staffing if needed. As always, there is no charge for Extended Day if you have a contract and there is a $50 charge for drop-ins.

Please note that we will close Extendo at 5pm so that everyone can begin his or her holiday.



See’s Chocolate Fund Raiser… Get your Holiday Shopping Done the Easy Way

A note from Michelle Osborne, Chair

Back by popular demand the KPA is sponsoring this holiday fundraiser again this year. We chose See’s because of its fine reputation for quality.

Since all of the students will benefit from our fundraiser, we would greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation. So please, help your child by taking orders from friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers.

Please remember the sale ends November 20 and all orders must be accompanied by a check made out to the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA). Candy will be available for delivery to your customers by mid December. If you have questions, you can email me at

Thank you for helping to make our fundraiser a BIG success!


Save the Date – Fun Times Ahead

Please mark your calendars now so you don’t miss these KPA events:

  1. January 25th will be the KPA Wine Social

  2. March 16th will be the KPA Auction and Dinner

Details will be coming!


Looking Ahead at the Calendar…

The holiday season is beginning and there are many special days in November… this includes no school days, no study hall days, a spirit day, classroom field trips and an all-school field trip day. Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. Wednesday, November 7: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30

  2. Wednesday, November 7: Last English SSAT Prep Class

  3. Wednesday, November 7: Second and Third Grade to Conservatory of Flowers

  4. Thursday, November 8: Sixth Grade to the Mission

  5. Thursday, November 8: Open House for Prospective Parents

  6. Friday, November 9: Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

  7. Friday, November 9: Chess Club

  8. Saturday, November 10: SSAT at Kittredge

  9. Tuesday, November 13: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30

  10. Tuesday, November 13: Class Spirit Day

  11. Wednesday, November 14: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30

  12. Thursday, November 15: 7th and 8th grades go ice skating

  13. Friday, November 16: Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)

  14. Friday, November 16: Chess Club

  15. Monday, November 19: Sibling Applications Due

  16. Monday, November 19: K to 3rd Thanksgiving Feast; No Study Hall

  17. Tuesday, November 20: Whole school Academy of Sciences field trip; No Study Hall

  18. Wednesday, November 21: No school, Extendo is available from 8am until 5pm for 5 or more

  19. Thursday and Friday, November 22 & 23: Kittredge will be closed for Thanksgiving Break


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