Election Day Edition!
A Note from Mr. L.
Today is our election, an amazing event that often makes us feel proud to be American. It’s a time that allows all our voices to be heard and gives us a chance to take part in choosing a united path for our future.
It is important to remember that although individual voices will differ from one another, each voice deserves to be listened to and understood. What we will not and must not accept is a change to our school’s core values of citizenship, caring, trustworthiness, fairness, responsibility, and respect (the 6 pillars of Character Counts).
We are aware that Kittredge School families have a range of political beliefs. Therefore, today, tomorrow and possibly more days this week have the potential to be challenging for some students at school. However we believe that staying true to our values will help them to traverse these tumultuous times together.
Parents, we hope that you voted. Your voice is important in deciding our nation’s future. We also hope that you use your voice to speak with your children, to help them understand why this process is so important and to model our school’s core values. It is those values, that if we hold true, will help our children grow into the citizens that will someday make this an even better country.
Thanks for a Great Halloween Assembly
We wanted to thank every student and parent who joined us for the virtual Halloween party… everyone’s costumes (and smiles) were so much fun to see.
A special thanks to our Student Council who worked hard to entertain us all with a charming halloween story, and to Ms Pon-Barry and Ms Gules for their leadership and guidance. It truly took a village to find Mr. L.!
Our First Spirit Day – This Friday, November 6!
Student council has chosen “Past or Future Day” to be the first school spirit day this year. We will meet to celebrate at 11:00am on zoom.
Students are encouraged to participate by dressing up either as they see themselves in the future or as they were in the past.
Kittredge Lego Masters
A note from parent Devon McConnell
Calling all lego lovers! Join us for a friendly lego building competition, inspired by the recent Lego Masters show.
The build will have a creative theme and all participants would have time to build over the upcoming long holidays, and then would submit photos and a short video of their creation to an objective judge (TBD) in January.
Prizes will be given!
If your child is interested, please text Devon McConnell – mom of Lachlan (6th grade) and Hendrick (3rd grade) at 917-691-6310 – with your child’s name and grade. Note: we will use ‘what’s app’ for coordination.
Our First Trimester Ends November 20
Please remember that the first trimester will end in less than 3 weeks. Parents can check their child’s progress on Google Classroom and/or TeacherEase (depending on the subject and teacher). Please feel free to contact teachers with any questions.
Thanksgiving Holiday Break – November 23 to 27
As written on our school calendar, please remember there will be no classes during the week of Thanksgiving. We look forward to meeting up again after the break.
November/December Habit of Mind: Responding with Wonderment and Awe
“Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.” ~ Jim Rohn
Wonderment and Awe are the feelings you have when you recognize that something is amazing. Wanting to experience these feelings is what makes you strive to achieve great things, to set and work towards big goals. When the world around us sparks our interest and ignites our sense of wonder, we are inspired to learn, to explore, and to imagine possibilities.
Successful people are aware of their surroundings and are passionate. They are known to have fun figuring things out. They find the world awesome and mysterious and are intrigued with phenomena and beauty.
During this holiday season we hope that everyone finds something amazing and can experience some wonderment and awe.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” ~Albert Einstein
Name that Teacher
This Week – The Kittredge Teacher is: Ms. Gules; Ms. Rose; Mrs. Horrocks; or Sian
Last Week – The Kittredge Teacher was: Ms. Pon-Barry; Ms. Trudy; Mrs. Horrocks; or Ms. Raichura… Answer: Ms. Raichura
