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Kittredge Konnection – November 20, 2018

**Wild Fire Edition**



Thanksgiving Break Continues

We wish everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving Break. We’re looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, November 26.


Last Day for the Winter Sale of Kittredge Gear

You can still go to and sign in with the access code: KITWIN18. The online store will close tonight at midnight.



7th and 8th Grades Hike Thursday, November 29

Weather and air quality permitting, the Thursday after Thanksgiving, our 7th and 8th graders will spend the day hiking along the coast to Land’s End and then down to Ocean Beach. After a lunch break they will hike back. This day will help prepare them for the next week when they are in Yosemite Park with NatureBridge and is the perfect time to break in hiking shoes.

Please make sure your children have hearty lunches to help them through this busy day.


Let’s Not Forget Others… Canned Food Drive is Underway

This time of year there are many ways to help and care for those less fortunate than we are. The San Francisco Rescue Mission has dropped off a food collection barrel in the office.

Canned foods, cereals, rice, pastas and paper goods would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!



NatureBridge is Around the Corner: December 2 to 7

On Sunday, December 2 our 7th and 8th graders will head over to Yosemite National Park for a very memorable outdoor education and bonding experience. We will be sending out our wishes for clean air and good weather!


Parent Teacher Conferences Are December 13 and 14

Noon Dismissals

The first trimester of the year ends next Friday, November 30. Please remember we are holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday, December 13 & 14. School will be dismissed at noon and conferences will be from 12:30 to 5 on both days.

Please print out and turn in your 4 choices for conference times. December Sign up



See’s Candy Deadline Extended to Monday, 11/26

In light of the school cancellations just announced for this week, we’re able to extend the deadline for dropping off Sees Candy forms & checks to Monday, Nov. 26th.

Please have them dropped off with Pete or Trudy before 3PM Monday. While this delay may impact delivery, we will do our best to ensure a timely arrival of candy this December. We appreciate your patience.

Need the form? See’s order form

If you have any questions, feel free to email Michelle @ or text 415-519-0513


KPA Meeting –Tuesday, November 27 at 6pm

All parents are invited to attend the November/December KPA meeting. Plans for the Holiday Happening as well as other things will be discussed. Childcare and a pizza snack will be available for Kittredge students while their parents are at the meeting.


Looking Ahead…

Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. Tuesday, November 27: KPA Meeting

  2. Thursday, November 29: 7th and 8th grade hike

  3. Friday, November 30: End of First Trimester; Chess Club; Pizza lunch if ordered

  4. Sunday, December 2 to Friday December 7: NatureBridge Outdoor Ed for 7th and 8th grades

  5. Thursday & Friday, December 13 & 14: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  6. Thursday, December 20: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening

  7. Thursday, December 20: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  8. Friday, December 21 to Friday, January 4: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.

  9. Monday, January 7: First day of 2019


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