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Kittredge Konnection – November 2, 2021

Thanks for a Great Halloween Parade

We wanted to thank every student and parent who joined us for our outdoor Halloween Parade. Everyone’s costumes and smiles (even under their masks) were so much fun to see.

A special thanks to the weather for cooperating… let’s do this again next year!

Also, please remember that candy is not allowed to be eaten at school, so please save those goodies for at-home treats.

For those who couldn’t be there, or if you just want to see it all again, here’s a link to Mr. Young’s pictures.



November’s Habit of Mind – Questioning and Problem Posing

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ~Voltaire

It is very important to question and pose problems when you don’t understand something. When something is difficult, asking questions and posing problems is one of the easiest ways to get the answer or solution.

“The wise man doesn’t give the right answers, he poses the right questions.” ~Claude Levi-Strauss



November 7th— Don’t Miss the KPA Donut Hike

This popular event is returning on Sunday!!! All the details are below with the KPA News. Check it out!


Our Volleyball Playoffs Are Next Week

It’s official! The Kittredge Team will be in the playoffs. We are on the edge of our seats awaiting the details of where and when our team will play. The schedule will be confirmed this Friday and we will email the details then. We look forward to watching the team on Zoom as they bump, set, and spike their way to the end of another season. If we make it all the way to the finals, it will be next Friday.



NatureBridge Information Night for 7th & 8th Grade Families, November 10 on Zoom

Next Wednesday, November 10 at 7:00pm, all 7th and 8th grade families will meet on Zoom to learn about our outdoor education program at Yosemite National Park.

This meeting will set the tone and go over details to ensure a positive and successful week of outdoor education. We will talk about the academic requirements, behavioral expectations and the importance of team building. You will hear/see what a typical day at NatureBridge will be like, and will be able to ask questions and address any concerns you have as a student, parent or family. 

This is a very important meeting for everyone as it is the first time, since Covid, students will be able to participate in this program. Vaccination requirements and Covid protocols will be discussed.


Cross Country Finals – November 11

Our Cross Country team has made it to the finish line race after race! Every runner should be proud of their improved time and stamina throughout the season. Go Gags Go! Next Thursday the finals will be at 3:30.

A special shout-out to Allie and Luke who, last week at Crissy Fields, finished first and second in their race… way to go!



Our First Trimester Ends November 19

Please remember that the first trimester will end in less than 3 weeks. Parents can check their child’s progress on TeacherEase. Please feel free to contact teachers with any questions.


Thanksgiving Holiday Break – November 22 to 26

As written on our school calendar, there will be no classes during the week of Thanksgiving.

Please remember that unvaccinated air travel still requires a 7 day quarantine and a negative covid test before returning to school. Thank you for keeping this in mind before you travel this November.


Applications are Available online – Sibling Apps are due November 18

If you would like to have a sibling be considered for our 2022 early decision, please complete our TADS on-line application and return the parent and teacher forms by November 18. Early decisions will be sent December 15.



KPA Donut Hike – This Sunday, November 7!

A message from Devon McConnell

Back by popular demand – Join us for the third annual Kittredge Kommunity Donut Hike! A 1-ish mile donut-shaped hike starting and ending by baker beach with Bob’s donuts and coffee afterwards. Bob’s donuts are like little fluffy clouds of warmth and happiness – definitely worth the hike.

When: Sunday November 7th meet at 10, wrap up around noon. Feel free to bring a picnic for afterwards at the beach.

Where to meet:Meet at the Lobos Creek trailhead on Lincoln Blvd close to Baker Beach. There is a bus top there. The hike will end at Baker Beach.

Who:All Kittredge families, parents and kids welcome!

The donut hike is a fundraiser for the KPA. It is sponsored by a Kittredge family and our goal is to raise $1000. Suggested donation per family is $50. If you’re unable to come but would still like to support any and all donations appreciated.

Please text or email Devon McConnell (917-691-6310; if you would like to take part and donate to the event via Venmo at @DevonMcConnell

Come join us for a fun day, hang out with old friends and meet some new ones!


Parents Association Meeting – November 9

Please join us for all things KPA next Tuesday, November 9th at 6pm. KPA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Hear about the events that are coming up and how you can play a part. We look forward to seeing you at school or on Zoom. Due to Covid protocols, you must be vaccinated to attend in person. Watch your email next Tuesday for the link.


See’s Candy

Did you watch another Halloween come and go, feeling left out as your kids raked in the candy? Not to worry-The KPA has a See’s candy fundraiser to meet all of your chocolate needs. Purchase gifts for the holiday season or treat yourself! Kit-Kats have nothing on a See’s soft-center truffle. This year there is no need for an order form. Order online and have chocolate treats delivered directly to your home.

Use this link to purchase holiday gifts for your friends and family while supporting a good cause, the Kittredge Parents Association. Questions? Contact Ms. Pon-Barry, This Yum-raiser ends on December 3rd.



November 3: Zoom Open House for prospective parents; Science w/Ms. Rose

November 4: Diwali Celebration in Rochambeau for K to 5th graders; running practice

November 7: Donut Hike… hope for sun!

November 9: KPA Meeting at 6pm; running practice

November 10: Zoom NatureBridge meeting; Science w/Ms. Rose

November 11: Cross Country Finals @ 3:30 @ Hellman Hollow

November 17: Spirit Day – Character Day (book, game, cartoon, etc); Science w/Ms. Rose

November 19: End of first trimester; last day before Thanksgiving Break


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