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Kittredge Konnection – November 19, 2019


Our First Spirit Day – November 21 (Thursday)!

Student council has chosen “Class Spirit” day to be the first school spirit day this year. Each class is working with their teacher to come up with a classroom theme that they will use. We will share the results with each other on Thursday.


See’s Chocolate Fund Raiser Ends This Friday

Get your Holiday Shopping Done the Easy Way

A note from Michelle Osborne, Chair

Thank you to everyone for the great response, so far. There are still 4 more days to turn in your envelopes and I’m hoping see many more come in. Please remember the sale ends this Friday, November 22 (All order and money must be turned in.)

Candy will be available for delivery to your customers, in mid December.

Thank you for helping to make our fundraiser a BIG success! Please remember that all orders must be accompanied by a check made out to the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA).


Let’s Not Forget Others… Food Drive Continues this Week!

Our first barrel was overflowing thanks to the generosity of Kittredge families!

We have accepted a second barrel to fill and hope that you continue to be as generous as possible to those less fortunate. Thank you all for making this a kinder place to live.



Whole School Academy of Sciences Field Trip Next Tuesday– No Study Hall!

Our last day before Thanksgiving Break the whole school will visit the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Students will spend time with their big buddies and their classmates enjoying the exhibits. If you have volunteered to chaperone and have a membership, please let your child’s teacher know.

After school, there will be Extended Day available, but no Study Hall. Study Hall students will be dismissed at 3 to go home or to join Extendo and be picked up at 4:30.


There WILL Be Extended Day Next Wednesday

Thank you for your responses to our Extended Day enrollment form. We will be open from 8am to 5pm on Wednesday, November 27.

Enrollment closes tonight. As always, there is no charge for Extended Day if you have a contract and there is a $50 charge for drop-ins.

Please note that we will close Extendo at 5pm so that everyone can begin his or her holiday.



Parent Teacher Conferences, December 12 and 13

We are holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday, December 12th & 13th. School will be dismissed at noon and conferences will be from 12:30 to 5 on both days.

You will be able to register your child in to Extended Day for the afternoon or you can drop off your child, for no charge, while you attend your conference.

In order to best accommodate sibling conferences and help with special circumstances, we are continuing to schedule these conferences by hand. Thank you to everyone who already returned the completed forms.

If you haven’t turned in your choices yet, you can print a form here or get one in the office if it’s easier.

Also, if you would rather skip the conference this time and have your child’s report card mailed, please check off that option on the form and return it.

Confirmations of days and time will be sent home after Thanksgiving.



Ms. Pon-Barry found a wonderful article from The Atlantic about raising kind kids! As she wrote, “we have a lot of kind kids at Kittredge”. Enjoy!


Looking Ahead at the Calendar…

With a week left before Thanksgiving Break, there are still several events on our November calendar … this includes a Spirit Day, two no study hall days, a classroom feast, an invention convention, and an all-school field trip. Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. Thursday, November 21: Class Spirit day

  2. Friday, November 22: Burrito Lunch (if ordered); Sibling Applications Due

  3. Monday, November 25: K to 3rd Thanksgiving Feast; 6th grade Invention Convention; No Study Hall

  4. Tuesday, November 26: Whole school Academy of Sciences field trip; No Study Hall; End of Trimester

  5. Wednesday, November 27: No school, Extendo is open until 5pm if registered!

  6. Thursday and Friday, November 28 & 29: Kittredge will be closed for Thanksgiving Break


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