Study Hall Ends On Thursday!
Thursday will be the end of Study Hall for the year. It is also the end of mostdaily homework assignments, however, there may still be some work that students will be asked to complete at home. Study Hall students are being dismissed to go home at 3pm but are welcome to join Extended Day until 4:30, if you let us know.
Pajama Day is Thursday!
Please remember that Thursday is our final and most cozy Spirit Day. Help your child join the fun when everyone has a chance to wear his or her favorite PJs to school!
End of Year Picnic and Beach Clean Up – This Friday, May 25
The annual Kittredge end of the year picnic will be on Friday, May 25 at Baker Beach. Parents and families are invited to join us, so mark your calendars. The school will furnish paper products, condiments, ice and charcoal. Each class member will be asked to bring something from the following:
K/1:chips – 2 bags each
2/3: drinks– three 2-liter bottles each (no caffeine; water is recommended)
4/5:hot dogs & buns – 1 or 2 packs each
6:cookies – 1 or 2 bags each
7 & 8:salads or side dish – enough for 10
At 10:30 (while the picnic is being set up) the school will be leading an organized clean up of the beach area. The picnic will begin when the clean up is finished. Parents are welcome to come, help and eat.
Yearbook Signing – May 31
The Kittredge School yearbooks will be here soon. Kevin and the Yearbook Committee worked hard to use pictures that will stir memories of this year for students throughout the school.
If you would like to have a Kittredge School yearbook there are forms in the office.
Field Day is June 1
We will be in Peacock Meadows in Golden Gate Park for this day of outdoor fun and activities.
A new activity this year will be a Holi celebration! Holi is known as the “festival of colors” because it celebrates spring, which is full of colors. Students will be using organic colored powder to throw at each other so please expect your child to be a bit messy (and colorful) at pick up! Please click here for a flyer about the colored powder and the celebration: Holi Celebration Information
Continuing students can begin their search for their team color accessories, and new students will get their team color soon. Field Day t-shirts (thank you KPA!) will be distributed to everyone on that day… expect to have a great time! Details will be emailed later this week.
Eighth Grade Graduation – June 5 at Noon
Everyone is invited to join us in celebrating the graduation of the Kittredge School Class of 2018. The ceremony is in Kanbar Hall at the JCCSF (the same place as our Talent Show) at noon and it lasts about 90 minutes.
It’s guaranteed to be a beautiful ceremony and some teachers may still be looking for drivers, so please let your child’s teacher know if you can attend.
KPA Korner
Thank you Entrepreneurship Club!
The KPA wants to thank all the members of the Entrepreneurship Club for their donation. These Kittredge students raised over $800 and donated it all to the KPA.
Thank you Donor Parents… Please Check your email
This year Julia sent out thank you letters to donor parents using the KPA email address. We don’t want you to overlook this email and miss it, so please check it out!
Important Dates to Remember… Don’t Miss any of the Fun!
May 22&23: NO science club this week
May 24: Pajama Day; Last day of Study Hall
May 25: Whole School Picnic and Beach Clean Up
May 28: No School – Memorial Day
May 29: 8th Grade Paddle Board
May 29 & 30: Lastscience club
May 30: Sports Banquet; Pocket Bears with Grandma L.
May 31: Yearbook Signing
June 1: Field Day
June 4: K/1 graduation and 2/3 graduation
June 5: 8thgrade graduation
June 6: Minimum Day; Teacher Appreciation Lunch
June 7: Minimum Day; Last Day of School
August 29: First Day for the 2018-2019 School Year!