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Kittredge Konnection – March 20, 2018

The Kittredge School Talent Show is Thursday; Doors Open at 6:10pm

No Study Hall; Extendo will close at 5:00

Please join us at Kanbar Hall in the JCCSF for a great time! The show begins at 6:30 so make sure that you are there by 6:15. You won’t want to miss a minute of this wonderful evening.

To help plan for the evening, please note that the show is expected to be about two hours this year.

The atrium is reserved for us from 5:30 to 6:15 and there will be coffee, light snacks and waters available at that time, thank you KPA! No food, water or coffee is allowed in Kanbar Hall, so come early to have a snack.


Congratulations to Our Quiz Bowl Team

The Kittredge Quiz Bowl team had a competition in Citrus Heights on Saturday… and won! Congratulations to Mark, Tilden, Margaret, Joel and Dexter. And thank you to their families for supporting the team.


Our Front Door May be Locked, but we Still Have an Open Door Policy!

In response to safety concerns, we will be keeping our front door locked during the school day. Please use the doorbell when you come in to see us.

In spite of the physical locked door, please know that you are always welcome to be here and we will continue to have an open door policy within the building.


Parent-Teacher Conferences are Next Week – March 29 and 30

Thank you to everyone for returning your conference forms. If you still need a form, you can print it here: March Sign up

Confirmations of your time are being returned to your child to bring home today… so please check their backpacks!

Please remember that school will be dismissed at noon and there will be no Study Hall on conference days. Extended Day will be open for those who have a signed contract or want per-diem coverage for their child. Another survey monkey form will be emailed for Extended Day sign ups.


Student Council Bake Sale Next Thursday

Our 4th and 5th grades will host a Bake Sale. The funds raised will be donated to Make a Wish Foundation. Classes will each have a chance to grab a couple treats and make a donation next Thursday at snack/recess time.

If you would like to help, please send your child to school with a dollar or two or more next Thursday. There will be treats available for parents when they attend their conference.


Spring Break begins Friday, April 6th at Noon!

There will be no classes the week of Spring Break but Extendo will be open for a minimum enrollment of 5 students. A Survey Monkey registration will be sent home next week.


Tdap Vaccine Reminder – Please complete during Spring Break

Kittredge 6th grade students must have a Tdap booster to enter 7th grade in September. Proof of this immunization must be turned in by April 15th. No student will be permitted to attend 7th grade at Kittredge without this immunization update.


Summer at Kittredge – June 18 to July 20

Summer is a great opportunity to engage children in activities that enrich their academic foundation and keep them involved and interested in learning.

Our 5-week summer program is open to students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, please return an enrollment form to reserve a space for your child. Applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website. Summer 2018 brochure


KPA Korner

The KPA Annual Auction on Saturday, April 28th is Quickly Approaching!

Ways you can help support the Kittredge community today:

  1. Click KPA_2018_Donation_Form and make a donation to the Auction or click here to host a Count-Me-In (by April 2nd).

  2. Visit 2018 KPA Auction and Dinner to become a sponsor and buy your tickets (by April 20th please).

  3. Best of all…get a sitter, and join us for an elegant dinner and great evening of fun!


Important Dates in the Next Two Weeks

Wednesday, March 21

  1. K/1 to Herbst Theater for Henry and Midge

  2. 4/5 to library

Thursday, March 22

  1. Talent Show at 6:30; Extendo closes at 5

Friday, March 23

  1. Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)

  2. Middle School Dance

Thursday and Friday, March 29 and 30

  1. Minimum Day Dismissals

  2. Parent Conferences

  3. Bake Sale on Thursday


Community Service Announcements…

  1. First Day of School for Next Year is August 29, 2018

  2. Don’t Forget About the KPA Dinner/Auction!

Please visit the website and see the details: 2018 KPA Auction and Dinner

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