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Kittredge Konnection – January 16, 2018

Mr. L. is Back and Feeling Better Each Day!

Last week we let many parents and students know that Pete needed to take some time off, but we didn’t share the reason.

Today, Mr. L is back wearing a neck brace and a big smile and we’re sharing the news that he was injured in a car accident last Tuesday. He is recovering nicely and couldn’t be happier to be here, but he still has a way to go. All good thoughts and wishes are welcome!


Decade Day Tomorrow!

Please help your child remember to wear clothes and/or accessories from his or her favorite decade to school tomorrow. We’re looking forward to another fun Spirit Day at Kittredge.


Kittredge Students Rock the Quiz Bowl Tournament!

Last weekend a Middle School academic competition called Quiz Bowl was held in San Jose. Our Kittredge School team came in second place out of the 9 teams that competed.

Thank you to Anna and Leonid Pinski for organizing this event and practicing with our Middle School team. Also thank you to the parents for supporting their students in this endeavor. And last but not least, thank you and congratulations to each team member: Margaret Veatch, Tilden Stadtmiller, Mark Pinski, Dexter Liu, and Joel Arceneaux. Give yourselves a hand!


2018-2019 Registration Will be Available this Month

Registration and reenrollment will be open to current families soon. As written on our calendar, this process needs to be completed by February 9 if you would like us to hold a classroom space for your child(ren) for next year. Thanks for your help with this process; we are looking forward to working with your family again.


NatureBridge: February 11 to 16

In about three weeks, our 7th and 8th graders will be at Yosemite National Park for a very memorable outdoor education and bonding experience.

Please make sure your child has the supplies on the supply list for this weeklong program. Supply lists are available from Mr. Young if you need another copy.

Please note that all payments for NatureBridge are now due.


In Preparation for NatureBridge…

Thursday, February 1: The 7th and 8th grade classes will have a chance to perfect their ice skating moves at Yerba Buena rink. They will be gone from 10:30 to 3pm, so please make sure your child brings a hearty lunch, a water bottle and good walking shoes.

Thursday, February 8: The 7th & 8th graders will have a chance to break in their hiking shoes (and raingear?). They will hike through Lincoln Park along the coast towards Land’s End, past the Cliff House to Ocean Beach. After a break for lunch and some fun, they will hike back and arrive at school by 3:00. Students should bring a hearty lunch, a water bottle and good walking shoes.


Presidents’ Week Break is Coming Soon

February 19 to 23

As written on our calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, February 19th for Presidents’ Day. Extended Day will be available from Tuesday to Friday if we have 5 or more enrolled.

A Survey Monkey registration form will be emailed home in a couple weeks. Please let us know if your child will use our Extended Day Program during Presidents’ Week so we can plan properly. Thanks for your help with this.


Looking Ahead: March 22 is our Annual Talent Show

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Once again we have reserved the theater at the JCC on California Street. The show begins at 6:30pm and Extended Day will close at 5:30.

Classrooms are all working with David on their group production. Individual students can audition during class time next month.


KPA Korner

KPA “Save the Dates:”

  1. Next KPA Meeting: January 23 6-7pm

  2. KPA Dinner and Auction: April 28


A Lot is Going On in January…

Tuesday, January 16 (today)

  1. Girls B-Ball game vs. Live Oak @ 4:00 – Mission Bay

Wednesday, January 17 (tomorrow)

  1. Decade Day

Thursday, January 18

  1. Girls B-Ball game vs. KIPP @ 4:00 – KIPP

  2. Boys B-Ball game vs. SFS @ 4:00 – SFS

Friday, January 19

  1. Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

  2. 2/3 Writing Celebration

Monday, January 22

  1. Girls B-Ball game vs. CDS @ 5:00 – KIPP

  2. Boys Practice @ Hi 5

Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23 and 24

  1. New Science with Ms. Rose (if registered)

Friday, January 26

  1. New Chess Session (if registered)

  2. Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)

Monday, January 29

  1. Basketball Practice at Hi 5 for Boys and Girls teams

Tuesday, January 30

  1. Girls B-Ball vs. CDS @ 5:00 – St. Agnes

  2. Boys B-Ball vs. CDS @ 6:00 – St. Agnes

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