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Kittredge Konnection – February 5, 2019



Enrollment for 2019 Closes This Saturday, February 9

Thank you to everyone who has completed his or her Enrollment. We are looking forward to another great year.

Last Tuesday, everyone should have received an email with a link to re-enroll. If you would like to hold a space for your child next year, please make sure to complete the process by February 9.


Our Girl’s Basketball Team made the Playoffs!

Today is the first playoff game. Our girl’s team will play KIPP SF Bay at 1430 Scott Street at 4:45. IF the team wins, they will play tomorrow… details will follow. Everyone is welcome to come and cheer the team on!



Valentines Day at Kittredge, February 14

Please remember that if your child is distributing Valentines’ cards in school, he or she should have one for every member of the class. Candy treats will not be allowed to be eaten in classes and should be used minimally, if at all.


Noon Dismissal Next Friday, February 15 – Presidents Day Break

Survey Monkey Enrollment Form for Extendo is below

Students will be dismissed at noon next Friday and Extendo will be open until 6pm. There will be no school or Extended Day School on Monday, February 19th and Extended Day will be available February 19 to 22 by registration. A minimum enrollment of 5 is needed for Extended Day to be open.

Every Kittredge parent is being asked to respond to the Survey Monkey questions on this link:

We appreciate your help with this.



Visitors are in the School

Applicants for next year in grades 1 through 8 are coming in to spend a day in a classroom. Kittredge is designed to have openings for new transfer students in 6th grade and other grades if space is available. Word of mouth has always been our best advertising, so if you know of any families looking for a strong academic yet nurturing environment, please have them call us.


Calling all Talent… Talent Show Auditions Will Begin After Presidents’ Week

All students who want to audition for a solo or small group performance at our talent show need to know their act and be ready to perform it in class. Please help your child prepare and please remember that acts can be no longer than 3 minutes. Audition slips must be completed and turned before your child can audition. Forms can be printed using this link, and are also available in the office.



The Kittredge School Talent Show is Scheduled for March 28 at 6:30

**Extended Day will close at 5:00**

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you and your child can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Classes are working on their group performances with David. The theme this year is “the 80s” and each child’s role in the class production is important. Please let us know if your child will not be attending the talent show so we can plan accordingly.



A Note From the KPA Social Chair

Wine Wagon – All Week – February 4-8, 2019

Rain or shine, Howard and Jennifer Buzick, Holden’s parents, will be at our morning drop off all week to collect wine donations. If you haven’t had the chance to donate wine for the auction, we make it super easy for you! Drop off your child and your vino at the same time! Red, white, bubbly or firewater – we don’t discriminate and welcome it all! Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated and will directly benefit your child. Any questions, or to arrange a private pick-up, please contact


February Dates to Remember

Today, Tuesday, February 5

  1. Science Club

  2. Girl’s Playoff game at 4:45

Wednesday, February 6

  1. Science Club

Friday, February 8

  1. Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

  2. Chess Club

Saturday, February 9

  1. Re-Enrollment Deadline

Wednesday, February 13

  1. 2nd and 3rd grades to the DeYoung

Thursday, February 14

  1. Valentines Day!

Friday, February 15

  1. Minimum Day; Noon Dismissal; No hot lunch

Monday, February 18

  1. Presidents Day; No School

Tuesday, February 19 – Friday, February 22

  1. Presidents’ Week; no classes; Extended Day if 5 or more enroll

Monday, February 25

  1. Welcome back!

Tuesday, February 26

  1. Science Club

Wednesday, February 27

  1. Science Club

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