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Kittredge Konnection — February 23, 2016

The Kittredge School Talent Show is Scheduled for March 30 at 6:30

Extended Day will close at 5:00

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you and your child can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Classes are busy working on their group performances with Ms. Elisabeth. We hope all students and families will attend.

Each child’s role in the class production is important so please let us know if your child will not be attending the talent show.


Calling all Talent…

All students who want to audition for a solo (or duo, or trio) performance at our talent show should be ready to perform it in Performing Arts class this week. Individual or small group acts cannot be longer than 3 minutes and students may only perform in one individual act.


Futsal Season is Here

The popular spring sport of Futsal (a form of indoor soccer) has begun.

We have a lot of interest this year and will be fielding a girls Varsity team and a boys Varsity team. All students need to maintain grades of “C” or better to be eligible to play.

The game and practice schedules will be posted on our website next week. Students will also bring home a schedule and permission slip next week. Signed permission slips must be returned in order for your

child to play.


Please Return Your Basketball Uniforms

Congratulations to our Girl’s Basketball team for making it to the Semi-Finals and thank you all for your support of the team.

Please make sure you return your child’s uniform as soon as possible.


Calling All Parents! March 10th is the next PBC (Parent Book Club) Meeting

Ms. Dharmer will lead the second trimester book club meeting on March 10th. All parents are invited to

read and join the discussion of our second book, “Freeing your Child From Anxiety” by Tamar Chansky. We will meet from 6 to 7:30 on Thursday, March 10. Light refreshments will be served. Please contact

Debra Dharmer at if you have any questions about the PBC.


Our Second Trimester Ends March 11

Please remember that all middle school parents can check on their child’s grades and assignments using their TeacherEase account. With a few weeks of the grading period left, now is a great time to see what is going on!


Staff Development Day – March 11

There will be no classes on Friday, March 11. This staff development day will give us a chance to meet, prepare and review curriculum.


Yosemite Institute Pictures

Come and take a look in the lobby at pictures of our 7th and 8th graders enjoying an amazing experience at Yosemite. If you would like a detailed look… here’s a link to more than 700 photos from the week:


Coming Soon…

Tuesday, February 23

• Science Club continues

Wednesday, February 24

• Science Club continues

Thursday, February 25

• 7th grade parent’s term paper meeting – 6pm

Friday, February 26

  1. Pizza lunch (if ordered with February lunches)

  2. Chess continues

Wednesday, March 2

• 6th graders to Chris Babcock’s Art Studio

Friday, March 3

• Bagel Lunch (March order form will be sent next week)

Tuesday, March 8

• K/1 to Children’s Creativity Museum

Thursday, March 10

• Parents Book Club

Friday, March 11

• No Classes; Teacher Work Day; End of 2nd Trimester

KPA Korner

Kittredge 2016 Raffle Update

A Message from Heather Miller, Chair

Thank you to the 43 families who participated in this year’s raffle… making it a tremendous success!

Ms. Pon-Barry’s K/1 class sold the most tickets and has won an ice cream party. Way to go! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Next KPA Social Event – April 2nd – Save the Date! You and Wine and Us

Hi beloved Kittredge grownups!

We are heading into auction season and that means we need to do some liver prep. I’m looking out for our best interest, as always.

Please come to 225 San Anselmo Ave, home of me and Brian Roddy, for a PARTY and WINE ROUND- UP!!!

Please bring a BOTTLE or TWO of your favorite stuff. Wine or champers or port or anything that has special meaning to you. You know what I mean. You know. We will have tags and pens and a cold shower if you need any reminders of that special meaning.

We will wrap the wine up safe & sound then haul it to the Log Cabin on May 7th for us to bid on at the auction!!

225 San Anselmo Ave, 94127 lots of parking near muni sort of 6PM

Thanks, Mwah!!!! much love, xxxxx and see you April 2nd!! Kristen Kadner

Community Service Opportunity – Presidio Plant Nursery Grades 5-8 Friday, March 18th 1-4pm (noon dismissal day)

Location: Presidio Nursery, 1249 Appleton Street

The Presidio Plant Nursery has arranged a volunteer afternoon for Kittredge kids in grades 5-8. Volunteers care for native plants and are part of a community-based restoration program working to restore the Presidio. I have arranged transportation for up to 8 students. If the group is larger we will need additional drivers. Parents can pick up their children at the Nursery at 4pm. Please contact me if your child is interested in attending.

RSVP by March 4th so I can give the Nursery a head count. Thanks!


Community Service – Project Cicero Bay Area At Kittredge!

Check out the flyer below for more details!

We are pleased to bring you the exciting news that the Kittredge community will be partnering with Project Cicero Bay Area, a children’s book drive designed to create and supplement classroom libraries in schools that desperately need books. Many other San Francisco schools are participating, and together, we hope to collect and distribute thousands of books to over 300 teachers, reaching 10,000 students in need this year.

The book drive is scheduled to run from Monday, March 14 through Thursday, March 17.

Books in need are: Beginning Readers, Picture Books, Board Books, Early and Middle Grade Chapter Books, Young Adult Fiction, Graphic Novels, Classic Literature, Geography/History, Multicultural Literature, Biographies, Poetry, Plays/Drama, Up-to-date Reference. Please no Adult Books or textbooks.

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