Our Annual Beach Clean Up was a Blast!
Thank you, Kittredge community, for the wonderful contributions you each made to our Beach Clean Up! Our delicious feast of pasta, salads, hot dogs, and organic fruits and veggies was a sight to behold - you've really outdone yourself! We could not have asked for a better or more beautiful day to take care of our dear neighbor, Baker Beach.
Last Konnection of the Year!
It feels impossible but it's true -this is the last Konnection of the school year! It has been such a pleasure to share the wacky, wonderful, weekly updates of Kittredge with you all.
Summer Mailing
Parents, you can expect a few things to roll into your inbox in the first week of summer. You should receive supply lists and reading lists from your students' upcoming teachers, as well as report cards from the office.
This Week's News
This afternoon Kittredge is abuzz with students signing each other's yearbooks and sharing sweet memories from the last year. Every student receives a yearbook to commemorate the year!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Tomorrow the 7th and 8th grade classes will take MUNI with Mr. Young and Ms. Mara to a Giants game!
Students should either bring lunch, or money to purchase lunch at the ballpark. Please note that Oracle Park is cash-free, and students who plan on buying lunch should bring a debit card, device for ApplePay, or plan on converting cash to a card at the park.
Our 7th and 8th graders should return to Kittredge by 5:00pm.
7th Grade to the Legion of Honor
This Thursday, our 7th grade class will join Ms. Mara for a trip to the Legion of Honor! Students will walk to the museum from Kittredge and take in an exhibit of Japanese prints.
7th graders should come to school with a lunch, comfortable walking shoes, and money for treats.
Students will also have a surprise guest.... next year's 8th grade teacher Mr. Vance Whipple! We so look forward to the opportunity for our incoming 8th graders to meet their new teacher.
8th Grade Paddle Boarding and Mini-Golf
Also this Thursday, the 8th grade class will go paddle boarding in Marin, followed by mini golf! Parents, you should have received an email from Mr. Young with all the details. Please reach out to the office if you have questions.
Field Day
It's time...... Field Day is THIS FRIDAY!
For those who do not know, Field Day is an amazingly fun day where students will be participating in activities all day long with their friends and schoolmates. Activities range from 50 yard dash, relay races, football toss and an epic game of capture the flag!Â
This year, Field Day will be at Lindley Meadow in Golden Gate Park,
We ask that each student wear their team color to show their team spirit for the day. You can find a list of team colors in your Konnection email. Each student will be given a Field Day T-shirt to wear that day, so we suggest you get creative with your team color! This can be pants, shorts, socks, shoes, headbands, hats – even wigs are encouraged!Â
Please have your child bring a healthy, hearty lunch and their own water bottle, marked with their name. There will be plenty of water for students to refill at the event. It is going to be a long, active day, so don’t forget sunblock and a jacket! Blankets are encouraged for the giant picnic.
Next Week's News
K/1 Graduation
Ms. Grazi's K/1 students will be celebrating their graduation in less than a week! Next Monday, June 3rd, our K/1 class celebrates a year of stories, laughter, and learning. Family members are encouraged to join us for this event.
8th Grade Graduation
Kittredge will celebrate our graduating 8th graders on Tuesday, June 4, which is just one short week away!
The entire school will make our way to JCHS where we will watch students cross the stage and receive their diplomas. Classes will travel to JCHS by bus, so there is no need for drivers.
8th graders should arrive to JCHS at 10 am. If your child is in the 8th grade and you have yet to RSVP for graduation, please do so here.
Wednesday, June 5 - Minimum Day
Wednesday, June 5 will be a minimum day with a 12pm dismissal.
If you would like to sign up for Extended Day on Wednesday, June 5 or Thursday June 6, please do so HERE.
Thursday, June 6 - Minimum Day and Last Day of School!
That's all, folks! Thursday, June 6 is the last day of the school year! We hope our Kittredge community has a wonderful summer!
Speaking of Summer! Register TODAY for the Kittredge Summer Program
It's not too late to enroll your child in the Kittredge Summer Program!
Each summer, Kittredge offers a 5-week academic enrichment program that keeps students' math, reading, and writing skills sharp over the break. Students who sign up for a full day can also look forward to fun workshops such as Drama, Basketball, and the Green Energy Project, and weekly walking field trips to Baker Beach, the Presidio, Lincoln Park, and more!
Sign up today kittredge.org/summer-school!
Important Dates
5/28 - Yearbook signing
5/29 - 7th/8th Giants Game
5/30 - 7th Legion of Honor
5/30 - 8th grade paddle boarding
5/31 - Field Day
6/3 - K/1 Graduation
6/4 - 8th Grade Graduation
6/5 - Minimum Day
6/6 - Minimum Day - Last Day of School
6/17 - Summer Program begins!
KPA Korner
Teacher Appreciation Drive ends Friday!
Please join us in offering a big end-of-year thanks to our terrific faculty with our Teacher Gift Drive. Donate now via Venmo and PayPal. Lisa Wong is organizing the drive this year and will accept donations until 5/31.
6/1Â KPA End of Year Picnic
Rochambeau Playground, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 PM RSVPÂ here. Please come out this Saturday to welcome next year's new families to the community! There will be pizza, a pie-eating contest, and games!
6/5 Teacher Appreciation Potluck Luncheon
Show our teachers your appreciation! Click here to sign up to contribute food, drink or volunteer at the event.
And Last but not Least.....

Please welcome Mindee Kashiwagi, parent of Kai in 2nd grade, as new KPA secretary and Lisa Wong, parent of Evan in 2nd grade, as the new KPA treasurer!
Thank you for your votes at the last meeting! To give your new KPA officers a warm welcome, please look out soon for a 10 minute survey to help our planning for next year.
Thank you for your time!