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Kittredge Konnection – December 8, 2020




Commitment Form Needed

We have set up a Survey Monkey form for parents to respond with their commitment to send their child to school or to keep their child home for continued remote learning.

We are asking for this commitment for this current second trimester. We will again ask for a commitment after Spring Break for the third trimester.

We are asking for this commitment by next Monday.

The number of students attending in person will determine the floor plan we create to send in to the health department. We will send that in next week and schedule their on-sight visit after that. Thank you all for your continued support.



Spirit Week – December 14 to 18

This last week before Winter Break will be Spirit Week! There has been something special to wear added to each day. Students are welcome to be as creative as possible and enjoy the holiday and school spirit with classmates!

12/14 Monday: Silly socks/footwear

12/15 Tuesday: Crazy Hair

12/16 Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (backwards clothing etc.)

12/17 Thursday: Ugly Holiday Sweater

12/18 Friday: Wild Hat 


Parent Conferences are next week – Noon Dismissal for Thursday and Friday

Minimum days are scheduled next week so that teachers can hold parent conferences.

Because conferences are being held remotely, teachers are sending out sign ups directly. Please be on the look out for the days and times that each teacher has available.


Student Council Speeches Next Thursday – Elections are Friday

Thank you to all the students who have shown interest in joining our student council. Everyone running is a qualified leader and we are proud of each of you.



Kittredge Gear is Still Available

With the holidays approaching, we have found a new pop-up store for the latest in Kittredge gear. There are many colors and items available from sweat shirts, joggers and t-shirts, to face masks, socks and mugs… and more! Thank you Ms. Gules for your research and for setting this all up!



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