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Kittredge Konnection – December 15, 2020



A Holiday Treat for All!

Please come by Kittredge for a sweet treat any time this week.

When you arrive, please ring the doorbell so the cookie kit can be brought out to you. We are asking that everybody remain outside, masked and practice social-distancing!

Goody Goodie Cream and Sugar is delighting our taste buds once again with a cookie decorating kit. Dress up your melted snowman cookie and get in the spirit of this 2020 holiday season.

Please note that although instructions are missing… it’s simple!

First: add water to the pastry bag filled with powdered sugar- please start with ½ a teaspoon of water, and mix right in the bag. It’s easier to handle when it’s not too runny 🙂

Next: with the same spoon, scoop out a little of the frosting BEFORE cutting the tip to make a melted snowman ‘puddle’ on to the cookie.

Now: you can cut the tip off, and use the rest of the frosting as GLUE!!!!

HINT: The Rolo candy and the chocolate disc make a wonderful top hat!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Kittredge!


Spirit Week!

This last week before Winter Break is Spirit Week! Please help your child to be as creative as possible and enjoy the holiday and school spirit with classmates!

12/14 Monday-Silly socks/footwear

12/15 Tuesday-Crazy Hair

12/16 Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday (backwards clothing etc.)

12/17 Thursday-Ugly Holiday Sweater

12/18 Friday-Wild Hat


Parent Conferences – Noon Dismissal on Thursday and Friday

Thank you to all the parents who have scheduled time with their child(ren)’s teacher. Please remember that classes end at Noon on Thursday and Friday so that teachers are available for conferences.

We look forward to great things during our second trimester.


Student Council Speeches on Thursday – Elections are Friday

Thank you to all the students running for our student council. Candidates for President and Secretary will give speeches to the whole school at our Thursday assembly. Students running for classroom reps, will give speeches to their classmates.

Everyone running is a qualified leader and we are proud of each of you.



Update on Our Opening Plan

We have our first re-opening meeting with the San Francisco Department of Public Health scheduled for this upcoming Monday morning. 

Also, we will be holding a video update this Thursday evening on Zoom at 6:00. We will be sending out the Zoom invitation to parents tomorrow.  Should you not be able to attend it will be recorded for you to view at your convenience.

Speaking of Kittredge Parents…

We have some special thanks to some of our amazing parents. 

The Gorin family has generously purchased three Swivl kits that will help us to offer a successful hybrid curriculum with some students remote and others in the classroom. Not only did the Gorins purchase the Swivls, but they got them delivered to the school in record time. Thank you so much Igor, Elena, Abby…and Emma…who graduated three years ago!

We would also like to thank Mark Tarakanov, father of Liza, for securing and purchasing 160 KN95 masks for our returning teachers.  Your generosity will help our returning teachers to remain safe and feel more confident.




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