Bake Sale on Thursday for Lulu and Leo Fund
The sixth grade class will be hosting our Student Council sponsored bake sale on Thursday. All students will be able to enjoy a treat at snack time and a donation to the Lulu and Leo Fund will be accepted. Please send your child with a donation if you’d like to help. This fund supports youth programs in arts and sciences. http://www.lululeofund.org/
Parent Conferences are This Thursday and Friday – Noon Dismissal for Students
Minimum days are scheduled this week so that teachers can hold parent conferences. Extended Day is available for all students who come during conference time. Parents must sign in their child with an Extended Day teacher before they head off to their conference.
Important: Please make sure you arrive on time for your conference so that you can take advantage of the full 20-minute time spot. Because conferences are scheduled back to back, it is important that they end on time.
Let’s Not Forget Others… Toy Drive Ends 12/18
Please celebrate the holiday spirit by helping those less fortunate.
A new, unwrapped toy or book will go the SF Fire Fighters Toy Drive. Our toy barrels are here and your generous donation can be dropped off at any time before December 18.
Let There be Songs to Fill the Air!
Daisy, Saphina and Abby, three very talented Kittredge students, sing in the same chorus and will have a show on Tuesday, December 19 from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Tickets at the door are $10 for an adult, $5 for a student. Or you can email Sarah Goss (Daisy’s mom) to get tickets in advance.
Location: Most Holy Redeemer Church, 100 Diamond Street, SF 94114. All friends and families are invited to come to the performance.
First School Spirit Day is Next Wednesday, December 20
Class Spirit Day is our first Student Council Spirit Day of the year. Each class in the school will choose a theme to show their spirit, and will compete with each other for the most spirited class. Once classes have chosen their theme, please help your child join in on the fun!
Student Council Elections are Next Week
Thank you to all the students who have shown interest in joining our student council. Everyone running is a qualified leader and we are proud of each of you. We look forward to working with the representatives who win their classroom elections. The following students are running for office:
4th and 5th grade representative: Shani, Rachel, Luciano, Pilar, Sammy, Abby, Ari, Luke, and Saphina
6th grade representative: Alexander, Carson, Sasha, and Amanda
7th grade representative: Aria, Charlotte, Tilden, Boris, and Victor
School Secretary: Cate
School President: Alexandra
Holiday Happening is next Thursday – Volunteers are Needed
The Holiday Happening is almost here and we are looking for a handful of volunteers. Please come help the younger students with crafts, or help teachers with games, or help clean up at the end of the evening. We could use the extra hands! Even 15 or 20 minutes of your time would be appreciated. If interested contact Thalia at Thalia_kent7@yahoo.com. Thank you for contributing to this fun filled evening!
No Study Hall next Thursday, December 21
Extended Day Closes at 5:00
There will be NO Study Hall on Thursday and Extended Day will close at 5pm, so that we can begin setting up for the Holiday Happening. We recommend that children be picked up early enough to get ready at home for the Holiday Happening, which begins at 6:30.
Holiday Happening – Next Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00
All families are invited to attend Kittredge School’s annual Holiday Happening. Please mark your calendars now to make sure you don’t miss this wonderful event.
A sandwich snack is provided.
Please bring a finger food appetizer or dessert to share.
There will be crafts and games for all.
We’ll close with a community sing-a-long at 8.
As always, a great time is expected!
Important Note To All Parents: Please remember that this is a family and community event. Teachers will be busy running games and helping with food and we rely on parents to watch and supervise their own children. The Kittredge Parent Association has worked hard to have activities for all, but we do not have space for students to invite friends outside of Kittredge to this event. Thanks for your help and support of our community.
No School on Friday, December 22
As written in our calendar, Winter Break begins this year on Friday, December 22. The Holiday Happening is the official start of our holiday break.
Extended Day is open until 5pm for anyone who needs it. A survey monkey form will go home next week so we can make sure we are staffed properly.
December/January Calendar
Tis the season…
With a little less than two weeks of school left before Winter Break, we are packing our calendar full of activities! Please take a look so you don’t miss anything!
Tuesday, December 12: Boys B-Ball game vs. SFS @ St. Agnes @4pm
Thursday, December 14: Student Council Bake Sale for Lulu and Leo Fund
Thursday & Friday, December 14 & 15: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)
Monday, December 18: Girls B-Ball Practice at Hi-5; coding club
Wednesday, December 20: Class Spirit Day; Student Council Speeches
Thursday, December 21: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening
Thursday, December 21: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00
Friday, December 22: No Classes – Winter Break begins (Extendo Open for 5 or more)
Monday, December 25 to Sunday, January 7: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.
Monday, January 8: First day of 2018