Screen Free Week is In Progress!
We hope that many of our students and families are joining the fun and taking the challenge to turn off their screens for 7 consecutive days.
For entertainment, participants are able to read, daydream, explore, enjoy nature, and spend time with family and friends. This annual celebration gives children, families, schools and communities a chance to turn off screens and turn on life.
Screens can still be used for homework and business but not for entertainment. The idea of this week is to find and enjoy other means of amusement and socializing for seven days.
Earth Day Hike for Eighth Graders This Thursday – Let the Sun Shine In
This Thursday, April 26, our 8thgraders will hike through the Presidio to the Golden Gate Bridge, walk across the bridge and up into the Headlands. Proper preparation is important, so please be aware of the following:Good walking shoes, a jacket, and water bottles are required. An especially hearty lunchand sunscreenare good ideas.Personal stereosarepermitted!
Also Thursday… 5thgraders to Angel Island
To supplement their social studies unit on Immigration, our 5thgraders will have a docent tour of Angel Island immigration station. This beautifully restored building will give them a glimpse into the early nineteen hundreds. They will ferry across from Tiburon and be back about 2:00pm.
Looking Ahead…
High School Information Night for 7thGrade Parents is May 10 at 6pm
All 7thgrade parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend this informational meeting about the high school application process. Now is a great time to begin talking as a family about goals and plans for high school. Don’t let the admissions process become overwhelming. Come and get some basic information to help you start planning for this next step in your child’s education.
Students will get a lot of support for this process next year, so this meeting is for parents only.
Staff Development Day is May 18; No School
Please note that we have a teacher development day scheduled next month. This will be a workday for teachers but there will be no classes. Extended Day will be open during the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm for 5 students or more.
There is Still Some Space Available in Summer School
Our 5-week program begins on June 18 and goes until July 20. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website.
Some space is still available for students who are entering 1stgrade through 8thgrade.
New Science with Ms. Rose
The last 5 week science session for this school year begins today. Please read the attached information from Ms. Rose and email her if your child would like to participate. Here’s the information. SCIENCE CLUB #6
KPA Spring Dinner/Auction is on Saturday
This year’s auction program went home with students yesterday. If you haven’t seen it please ask your student! You will be able to read about the evening and some of the exciting auction items on offer. If you prefer to read it online here is the PDF. KPA 2018 Program.compressed
See you there!
6:00 pm Saturday, April 28 at the Green Room, SF War Memorial
No Spring Fever at Kittredge… there is a lot going on!
April Calendar of Events
April 23: Screen Free Week is in Progress
April 24 and 25: Last Science Club session begins
April 26: 8thgrade all-day hike; 5thgraders to Angel Island
April 27: Pizza Lunch (if ordered)
April 28: KPA Auction/Dinner
April 30: Screen Free Week Ends
May Dates to Remember
May 3: Sixth grade sleep over
May 4: 2nd/3rdgrade writing celebration
May 8: KPA meeting – last one for the year
May 7 to 10: ERB testing for 3rdto 8thgraders
May 10: 7thGrade Parent high school meeting; Culture Day
May 16: 7thand 8thgrades to a Giants game
May 17: No Study Hall
May 18: Staff Development Day; No Classes