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Kittredge Konnection – April 19, 2016

Earth Day Edition

Ms Baker had a Baby Girl… Welcome to the World, Teia!

Teia Michelle Colby arrived Thursday, April 14th at 4:08 a.m. She was 8 pounds 15 ounces, and 21.5 inches! Sarah, Clint and Teia are all happy and doing well.

Earth Day Hike for Eighth Graders This Thursday – Let the Sun Shine In

This Thursday, April 21, our 8th graders will hike through the Presidio to the Golden Gate Bridge, walk across the bridge and up into the Headlands. Proper preparation is important, so please be aware of the following: Good walking shoes, a jacket, and water bottles are required. An especially hearty lunch and sunscreen are good ideas. Personal stereos (iPod, other MP3 players, etc.) are permitted!

April Hot Lunch Continues on Friday

After a few Fridays off, April Hot Lunches continue for the next two weeks. This Friday is pizza and next Friday will be hot dog buns. If you didn’t order for April yet, there is still time. Order forms are in the office.

Art Costa Visits on Friday

Once again we have the good fortune of having Art Costa spend a day at Kittredge. He will have time to stop into classrooms and talk with teachers to see how our Habit of Mind curriculum is going. He will also stay after school to meet with our teachers at our Friday staff meeting.

Everybody’s Favorite Spirit Day… Crazy Hair Day is April 27

Crazy hair day is a chance for all of us to celebrate our hair (or what is left of it). Please help your child join in on our first Spirit Day next Thursday.

High School Information Night for 7th Grade Parents is Tuesday, May 3 at 6pm

All 7th grade parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend this informational meeting about the high school application process. Now is a great time to begin talking as a family about goals and plans for high school. Don’t let the admissions process become overwhelming. Come and get some basic information to help you start planning for this next step in your child’s education. Students will get a lot of support for this process next year, so this meeting is for parents only.

No School on May 13; Staff Development Day

Please note that we have a teacher development day scheduled next month. This will be a workday for teachers but there will be no classes. Extended Day will be open during the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm for 5 students or more.

The link to a Survey Monkey form will be sent next week so we can get a head count for Extended Day. Thanks in advance for your help with this.

The Annual KPA Dinner and Auction is May 7

Hopefully everyone has received the April letter from the KPA with details about this dinner annual event. There is a beautiful website, , where you can purchase dinner tickets, pre-order a Talent Show DVD, or pre-order your middle school child’s artwork. The elementary grades’ artwork will be auctioned off at the dinner and a picture of what they painted is available to see.

There have been many parents volunteering their time and working hard to make this year’s dinner a wonderful evening and we hope that we see a lot of you on May 7th.

Final Book for the Parent Book Club Meeting on May 12 

The third trimester’s PBC (parent book club) will meet on Thursday, May 12th, from 6:oo pm to 7:30 pm. We will be reading “Last Child in the Woods-Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder” by Richard Louv.

We encourage every parent to join this community-building event and we thank Ms. Dharmer for choosing such interesting books and leading such insightful discussions.

No Spring Fever at Kittredge!

April Calendar of Events

April 20: Grandma L. visits the K/1 class to make teddy bears

April 21: 8th grade all-day hike; 4/5 Gold Rush Museum; 2/3 writing celebration

April 22: Art Costa visits Kittredge; 4/5 to Chris Babcock

April 26: 4/5 Film Festival

April 27: Crazy Hair Day!!

April 28: 6th grade Sleepover

April 29: 5th grade poetry festival; 7th grade to Chris Babcock

May Dates to Remember

May 2: K/1 to Presidio Dance Theater; 6th grade to Film Festival

May 3: 7th Grade Parent high school meeting

May 7: KPA Spring Dinner/Auction

May 9: Start of ERBs and Screen Free Week

Planning for Next Year?

Our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 31. A complete calendar will be available after our Staff Development Day.

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