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School Spirit Fridays….Black and White!…and Orange?
Join us on Friday in your Kittredge gear, your black and white, or even Orange! Help us celebrate our San Francisco Giants for some October Baseball.
Wear your Kittredge gear, your Giants gear, or both! October is the month of Halloween, black and orange seems natural, doesn’t it?
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Open House Thursday, October 7 at 7pm
Prospective families will meet on Zoom this year to learn about Kittredge. Parents need to sign up for a spot on our website and will be sent a Zoom link. If anyone knows a family interested in attending Kittredge next year, please have them use the “How to Apply” button on our website and reserve a spot for any of our Open Houses. The scheduled dates are: Thursday, October 7, Saturday, October 23 or Wednesday, November 3.
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No School Monday, October 11
As written in our school calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, October 11 in celebration of the Fall Holiday. There will be no classes or Extended Day.
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October 13 and 21 are 8th Grade High School Days
On October 13 and 21 there will be no classes for our 8th grade students. These days are scheduled to help and support our 8th graders while they are visiting high schools and working on their applications.
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Our Very Own Matt Wrobel Oct. 14th at SF Jazz
Can’t get enough of music class with Matt? See him perform live, next Thursday at SF Jazz. He will perform with the quintet House of Faern: violinist Jenny Scheinman, who’s released nine albums of her own and collaborated extensively with Bill Frisell, Jason Moran, Nels Cline and Allison Miller, features guitarist Matt Wrobel, alto saxophonist Beth Schenck, pianist John Wood, and GRAMMY-winning bassist Todd Sickafoose. House of Faern focuses on original compositions inspired by glorious outdoor settings evoked by improvisation-laced sojourns that melt distinctions between folk, jazz and classical music.
Order tickets here:
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October 19th-Dress as a Teacher Day
Our first school-wide Spirit Day of the school year is coming up on October 19th. Student Council brings you the original “Dress as a Teacher Day.” Kids can dress as they would if they were a teacher themself or they could dress as if they are one of their actual Kittredge teachers from the past, present or future! We are excited and maybe a little bit nervous to see how this one turns out!
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Halloween at Kittredge
All students may come to school in costume on Friday, October 29. Costumes should be non-violent, and cannot include weapons, toy weapons or blood of any kind. Masks and other accessories should be kept in a bag until the parade (weather permitting) at 2:00. Parents are invited (and encouraged!) to attend.
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Go, Gags, Go!
“Cross Country was fun because we took a different path today. It was really nice” —Sam, 7th grade. If you are looking for the road less travelled, try to keep up with our Running Gags. Follow them to their next cross country race on Friday October 8th at 4:30pm on the Polo Trails (Beginning at the Polo Fields) in Golden Gate Park.
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Nice Serve!
Our Kittredge Volleyball team is serving up fun! They are having almost as much fun playing as we are having watching them over zoom. Bringing live Kittredge Sports entertainment into your homes every week. See your friends compete today! The game is Tuesday October 5th vs. Live Oak @ 4pm at St. Agnes. Please use this zoom link to join.
Topic: Giuliana Silvestri’s Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 636 502 2918
Passcode: 24681234
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Mr. L. Sends Kittredge Love!
We heard from the wandering pilgrim today! After 3 weeks of walking the el Camino in Spain and covering over 400 kilometers, Mr L. checked in to make sure we send his love to the Kittredge community. He said that along this journey he has learned a lot about the Camino, as well as himself, and he is having a wonderful time.
He has also been reminded of the importance of speaking another language, and wanted to give a shout-out to Maestra Lourdes and our Spanish curriculum for helping Kittredge students become global citizens.
He has another 2 adventurous weeks on this once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage and is doing his best to spread Kittredge love in Spain.

Wearing Kittredge Pride and Sending Kittredge Love!
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Fall Raffle and Social Information – October 21
A message from Tom Vilhauer, Raffle Chair Extraordinaire
We hope to see everyone at the Fall Social event on October 21st at 7pm at Trae & Michelle Stephens’ home. Get buckled up for some good times, because we’ll be holding a raffle drawing at the party!
The Fall Raffle is the KPA’s second largest fundraiser and we hope to raise $5,000 through raffle ticket sales this year. There are approximately 70 families with students at Kittredge.
You can purchase up to four tickets for $5 each or five or more tickets for $4 each. We would love to see the entire school community participate.
This year’s awesome prizes:
• 2 tickets to see Elvis Costello at the Fox Theater in Oakland on November 14, 2021
• $100 gift certificate to Aziza Restaurant
• $75 gift certificate to Fiorella Restaurant
• $75 gift certificate to Pagan Burmese Restaurant
• $75 gift certificate to Pearl 6101 Restaurant
$75 gift certificate to Dragon Beaux Restaurant
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KPA Meeting Next Tuesday, October 12 from 6:00 to 7:00!
All parents are invited and encouraged to come to the October KPA meeting. Plans are underway for this year’s events including the Spring Dinner/Auction. New ideas are always welcome.
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Save the Date – KPA Donut Hike – November 7!
A message from Devon McConnell
Back by popular demand – Join us for the third annual Kittredge Kommunity Donut Hike! A 1-ish mile donut-shaped hike starting and ending by baker beach with Bob’s donuts and coffee afterwards. Bob’s donuts are like little fluffy clouds of warmth and happiness – definitely worth the hike.
When: Sunday November 7th meet at 10, wrap up around noon. Feel free to bring a picnic for afterwards at the beach.
Where to meet: Meet at the Lobos Creek trailhead on Lincoln Blvd close to Baker Beach. There is a bus top there. The hike will end at Baker Beach.
Who: All Kittredge families, parents and kids welcome!
The donut hike is a fundraiser for the KPA. It is sponsored by a Kittredge family and our goal is to raise $1000. Suggested donation per family is $50. If you’re unable to come but would still like to support any and all donations appreciated.
Please text or email Devon McConnell (917-691-6310; DLFMCConnell@gmail.com) if you would like to take part and donate to the event via Venmo at @DevonMcConnell
Come join us for a fun day, hang out with old friends and meet some new ones!
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October Calendar
A lot is going on in the next 2 weeks…
Today, October 5: Volleyball vs. Live Oak @ St. Agnes @ 4:00
Wednesday, October 6: Marin School admissions rep to visit 7th and 8th graders by Zoom
Wednesday, October 6: Running Gags Practice
Thursday, October 7: Sacred Heart Cathedral admissions rep to visit 8th graders
Friday, October 8: JCHS admissions rep to visit 8th graders
Friday, October 8: Cross Country race @ 4:30
Monday, October 11: No School; Fall Holiday
Wednesday, October 13: Eighth grade high school work day; no classes for 8th graders
Wednesday, October 13: Sixth grade hike to Lands End
Wednesday, October 13: Volleyball vs KIPP @ St. Agnes @ 4pm
Wednesday, October 13: Running Gags Practice
Thursday, October 14: Habits of Mind and Character Counts school wide assembly
Friday, October 15: UHS admissions rep to visit 8th graders
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