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Kittredge Konnection — November 3, 2015

A Community Service Announcement:

Please Don’t Forget to Vote!



Wacky Day… Tomorrow, November 4

Show your school spirit by wearing all things wacky.



Spanish Field Trip for 6th Graders This Thursday

This Thursday, November the 5th, our sixth grade students will be visiting “El Barrio de la Mission”. They will visit the murals of Cesar Chavez School, have lunch at the Taqueria Guadalajara and go to the Mission Cultural Center to see the exhibitions of the altars that local artists have made for the “Dia de los Muertos”. Students will leave Kittredge at 10:00 am and be back to school by 3pm.

Kittredge is covering the cost for transportation and the exhibition but we would appreciate it if each student could bring $13 for the taqueria.


Eighth Grade High School Recommendation Forms are Due Now

We are asking all 8th grade parents to help their children turn in all teacher and principal recommendation forms with stamped, addressed envelopes. Forms can be printed off most school’s websites and should be turned in by Thanksgiving Break to be sure to meet the deadline.


See’s Chocolate Fund Raiser… Get your Holiday Shopping Done the Easy Way

A note from Emily Wells, Chair

Back by popular demand the KPA is sponsoring this holiday fundraiser again this year. We chose See’s because of its fine reputation for quality. Your children were given the order information last week and the sale ends November 18.

Since all of the students will benefit from our fundraiser, we would greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation. So please, help your child by taking orders from friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers.

Candy will be available for delivery to your customers, the second week of December.

Thank you for helping to make our fundraiser a BIG success! Please remember that all orders must be accompanied by a check made out to the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA).


New Month – New Friday Lunch Orders

Please return a Hot Lunch form for any Friday lunches you want to order in November. Forms need to be turned in to the office by noon on Thursday so we can count your child’s order. Just click here for a form: HL Nov


Halloween Pictures are Posted and Available to See

Our wonderful and talented school photographer, Mr. Young, has decorated the office bulletin boards with beautiful Halloween pictures.

To see a complete set of 341 pictures, just click on the link that follows:


KPA Meeting Next Tuesday, November 10!

Please join us for the November meeting from 6 to 7pm. As always, childcare and a pizza snack will be provided for Kittredge students.


Our First Trimester Ends November 24th

Please remember that the first trimester will end in 3 weeks. Parents should check their child’s grades and assignments on TeacherEase. If you need another “invitation” with log-in information, please ask Trudy.


Looking Ahead at the Calendar…

The holiday season is beginning and there are many special days in the next two months… this includes no school days, early dismissal days, no study hall days, as well as field trip and spirit days. Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. November 4: Wacky Day (1st Spirit Day)

  2. November 5: Volleyball game vs. Burkes @ 3:45pm – Please note new time!

  3. November 5: Parent Book Club 6pm to 7:30pm “Raising Kids who Read”

  4. November 10: KPA Meeting

  5. November 11: Cross Country Finals 3:30 @ Hellman Hollow – Team Pizza Party afterwards

  6. November 14: SSAT Test at Kittredge

  7. November 18: Sees Candy Fundraiser Ends;  Y.I. meeting for 7th & 8th grades

  8. November 24: End of Trimester; Whole school Academy of Science field trip

  9. November 25: No school, but Extended Day is available from 8am until 5pm with minimum enrollment. Sign up is required and a Survey Monkey form will be emailed home next week.

  10. November 26 & 27: Kittredge will be closed for Thanksgiving Break

  11. December 2: Pajama Day (2nd Spirit Day)

  12. December 10 & 11: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  13. December 12: SSAT Test at Kittredge

  14. December 17: No Study Hall so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening (Extendo until 6)

  15. December 17: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  16. December 18: Noon dismissal – Winter Break begins (Extendo Open 12 to 6)

  17. December 21 to January 1: Kittredge will be closed for two weeks. No Extendo.


Habit of Mind for November:

Questioning and Problem Posing

“The important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

~Albert Einstein

Effective problem solvers know how to ask questions to fill in the gaps between what they know and what they don’t know. Effective questioners are inclined to ask a range of questions.

“Knowing the answers will help you in school. Knowing how to question will help you in life.”

~Warren Berger


We hope to see lots of parents at the Parent Book Club (PBC) this Thursday at 6pm.


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