Last Kittredge Konnection
Thank you for reading the Kittredge Konnection this year. We will miss having parent volunteers join us in these final days of school, and hope to see many of you next year at this time.
Your help and support were key to making this a great year! We look forward to starting things up again on August 30 in person!
Yearbooks Are Here!
This year, families will not need to purchase a yearbook… Kittredge School administrators have generously chosen to give one to every student. If, instead, you would like to make a small donation to the KPA, we’re sure they would appreciate your support.
Mr. Young worked hard using pictures he received from each of you, pictures he received from Zoom, and pictures he took in-person in order to create a book that will stir memories of this year for students throughout the school.
In order to remain Covid-compliant, yearbooks will be distributed to each student and signed in their individual classrooms this year. Teachers may be able to swap books for students in other classes to sign if schedules permit.
Field Day/Spirit Day is This Friday, June 4!
Ms. Gules has worked hard to revise Field Day to make it Covid-compliant. Since we will need to stay in our cohorts, we won’t split into our Color Teams this year.
Everyone will rotate between 3 stations… the beach, Rochambeau Park and the Kittredge courtyard. There will be activities to complete in each location. Classes will stay together with their teachers for all activities, lunches and breaks.
At the beach there will be sand castle building. We will supply buckets and shovels, but students can bring their own if it can be carried to and from in their backpacks.
On Friday all students will receive a very special Kittredge Spirit t-shirt to wear. Thank you KPA for so generously funding this event.
Kittredge Parents’ Association Survival Celebration!
The KPA is celebrating the end of the school year with two get-togethers. They have secured some picnic tables for an end-of-the-year picnic at Rochambeau Park. Due to Covid, they scheduled two different meetings on Saturday June 5, one at 11 and the Second at 1:30.
Eighth Grade Graduation – LIVE – June 8 at Noon
We were able to secure a beautiful place in Marin to host our live graduation ceremony this year. The graduates and their families are all able meet at the Marin Art and Garden Center for a lovely ceremony to celebrate this amazing class. Unfortunately we are unable to include outsiders to the event. However we are planning to Zoom the ceremony live that day and record the Zoom for future viewing.

June 9th and 10th are Minimum Days
Next Wednesday and Thursday are the last two days of school and noon dismissals.
Book-Return Before Summer Break
Please be on the look-out for information from your child’s classroom teacher about how to return your child’s text books and supplies to Kittredge. Different teachers will be scheduling different days and ways for this process. Please note that students using remote-learning may have some different options as well. Again we ask everyone to help have all Kittredge books returned to us before summer break so we can prepare for next year. Thanks for your help.
Important Dates to Remember…
June 4: Field Day
June 5: KPA Picnic
June 8: 8th grade graduation at the MAGC
June 9: Minimum Day
June 10: Minimum Day
August 30: First Day for the 2021-2022 School Year!