KPA Meeting, Tonight
Special Speaker on the topic of Children and Media Use
Thank you all for your RSVPs for the meeting tonight. We are expecting a nice group of parents and kids. Please let us know if you are coming and haven’t replied yet. There will be daycare and a pizza snack provided for the Kittredge students.
Thank you KPA
Our talent show last week was a huge success and lots of fun. The whole school community thanks the KPA for their generosity in funding the beautiful venue that we all enjoyed. The reception in the atrium with coffee and light snacks was a wonderful way to begin the evening. Let’s do it again next year!
Give Yourselves a Hand… $350.00 was Raised!
The 7th grade hosted a very successful bake last month. The school raised $350.00 for Guide Dogs for the Blind and we all enjoyed delicious goodies as well. Thank you everyone for your part in this event!
Spring Break Begins this Friday, April 7th at Noon
Extendo is open until 6pm
Please remember that we have a minimum day dismissal on Friday to begin our Spring Break. Extended Day is available until 6:00 that day.
Thank you Kristen and Tom Vilhauer!
Last Saturday night many Kittredge parents and teachers had an absolutely lovely time at Kristen and Tom’s house. Thank you so much for opening your doors and welcoming the whole community. The food, drinks and great company created a wonderful evening.
Thanks also to everyone’s generous wine donations to the Auction!
Tdap Vaccine Reminder – Please complete during Spring Break
Kittredge 6th grade students must have a Tdap booster to enter 7th grade in September. Proof of this immunization must be turned in by April 15th. No student will be permitted to attend 7th grade at Kittredge without this immunization update.
Summer at Kittredge – June 19 to July 21
Summer is a great opportunity to engage children in activities that enrich their academic foundation and keep them involved and interested in learning.
Our 5-week summer program is open to students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, please return an enrollment form to reserve a space for your child. Applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website.
April’s Habit of Mind: Persisting
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” ~Albert Einstein
Successful people persist… they persevere on a task through its completion; remaining focused. They stick to it! They also look for different ways to reach their goal when stuck and do not give up.
Dates to Remember… A Lot is Going on
April 4 (today): Futsal vs. Live Oak @ 4pm @ UCSFMB; Science Club
April 5: Futsal practice @ Rochambeau; Science Club
April 7: Minimum Day; Spring Break Begins at Noon
April 8: Minimum Day; Spring Break begins; Extended Day available
April 10 to 14: Spring Break; No School
April 17: Back from Spring Break; Futsal practice @ Hi-5; 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th to film festival; K/1 People Pillows w/Grandma L.
April 18: Futsal vs. Live Oak @ 5:30 @ KIPP; Science Club
April 19: Futsal practice @ Rochambeau; K/1 Pillow People w/Grandma L.; 5th and 6th to Film Festival (Hidden Figures); Science Club
April 20: Futsal vs. SFFS Blue @ 4:30 @ SFFS
April 21: Art Costa visits!