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Kittredge Konnection – September 4, 2018

This Week’s News:

Friday Lunches are Back!

Please print and return the attached lunch form September Hot Lunch, with your payment, by Thursday if your child would like any of the Friday lunches this month. No lunches can be ordered after 2pm on the Thursday before so that we can place the lunch order. As always this lunch program helps the 7th/8th grade trip to Yosemite. Enjoy!


Electronic Grade Books

Our teachers will continue using TeacherEase to keep track of their student’s assignments, tests and grades. This is an on-line program that is available for parents and students to use and check on their academic performance. A school-wide “welcome” letter was sent out this morning so that everyone should now have the log-in information needed to be able to use this valuable tool. Students in middle school are encouraged to give the office an email address if they would like their own log-in code.

You will now also find an all-school roster downloaded to your “digital locker” in TeacherEase. You can find your digital locker under the “communicate” drop down window.


Kittredge Fall Picnic is This Saturday!

Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us at Mountain Lake Park at 10am for a Back to School Picnic. We will be at 9thAvenue from 10am until 1pm. Please click here 2018 Fall picnic reminder to see the flyer with details on what to bring. Let’s hope for sunshine!


Next Week’s News:

SSAT Prep Course for 8thGraders Begins Next Wednesday

All 8thgraders are encouraged to take advantage of the SSAT practice/study class that the KPA has so generously subsidized. This is an eight-week class that ends right before the November 10thSSAT test. Classes are scheduled from 3:15 to 4:15 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thank you KPA!


Minimum Day… Next Thursday, September 13

Next Thursday, September 13, students will be dismissed at Noon so that teachers can prepare for Back to School Night. There will be no Study Hall that day. Extended Day is available for those who have a contract and as well as for drop-ins on minimum days. We will use Survey Monkey on-line forms for dismissal information and a link will be emailed to you this week. Please respond in a timely manner.


Back to School Night, Next Thursday September 13

All parents are invited into their child’s classroom to learn about the curriculum and goals for the upcoming year. A general overview of the year as well as classroom policies and expectations will be discussed. There will be no individual conferences at this time.

The doors will open at 6:10 so that teachers can start their presentations promptly at 6:30. Please remember that parking can be difficult, so plan appropriately. Walking, biking and carpooling are recommended.

If your child is in Extended Day and you plan to attend, please consider picking your child up early.

This evening is for adults only and we will not be able to provide childcare. See you there!


Student Council Speeches and Habit of Mind Assembly on September 13

There will be an all school assembly next Thursday where candidates for the school wide offices of President and Secretary will give speeches. Our September Habit of Mind, Listening with Understanding and Empathy, will be discussed.


Picture Day is next Friday, September 14

Lifetouch Photography will be here next Friday to take individual school pictures. Please remember to send your child to school with a smile!


Future News: KPA Korner

First KPA Meeting is September 18 at 6:00

All parents are welcome to attend the Kittredge Parent Association Meeting. Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month (this month is an exception). Childcare is available for Kittredge students during the meeting. New projects will be discussed.


Save The Date For The Fall Social… Friday, October 12!

By: Jennifer Buzick, Social Chair

Fall is almost in the air and it’s time to make new friends, catch up with old ones and let the Kittredge Kommunity love wash over you as you partake of delicious food and drink! Save Friday, October 12th!! More details coming soon!

Questions: Please email Jennifer Buzick at


General School Policies:

Please Help Kittredge Be A Good Neighbor!

Over the years, Kittredge School’s neighbors have been wonderfully supportive about having us in their midst. Every year we ask for your help to keep it this way. We ask that when you drop off and pick up your child, please do not double-park and leave your car unattended, block our neighbors’ driveways or the intersection of 25thand Lake. Thank you, Kittredge and our neighbors will both appreciate it!

Below is a letter explaining our complete pick up and drop off procedures. Please take a minute to read it completely. We appreciate your help with this.

Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

As any of our students will tell you, Kittredge is a safe place. Our greatest concern is for the safety of our students and our community. With this in mind, we believe that it is always preferable that parents find a legal parking spot to drop off or pick up their children. Obviously the fewer people that use our loading zone the less frenetic and safer our pick up and drop off times become. (It’s also a win for parents and children because they often enjoy the experience of walking together to the front of the school for drop-off or for meeting in front after dismissal). However we also know it is not always possible for parents to park and meet, so to this end, we have pick up and drop off policies for our loading zone. Please read them and follow them entirely.

– The first rule is for all parents to drive safely. It is important that all observe all traffic laws (do notspeed, make illegal U-turns, double park or park on any corner) and always be on the look-out for children.

– It is important that cars do not stay in our loading zone for any time more than is necessary. Students must get in and out of cars quickly and safely and exit directly to the sidewalk when dropped off and enter from the sidewalk when picked up. Backpacks, jackets and lunches should be ready and close by so that students can enter/exit quickly (not in the trunk) and organization of materials should be taken care of before pulling in. Car and booster seats must be properly installed before entering the loading zone. If a parent needs to leave the driver seat for any reason, the loading zone should not be used and the parent should find and use a legal parking spot.

– At pickup, if the child is not at the loading zone, the parent must carefully drive around the block until their child arrives or, even better, find a legal parking spot to come meet their child on foot. Parents should not park and wait for the arrival of their child, for this will block the pick up area for others and create a possible hazard.

– Please follow these rules and remember to be patient and careful. We are all counting on everybody working together for the safety of our children and the good of the neighborhood.

– Please remember that our children observe and learn from what we do. It is up to the adults in their life to show what can be done for the good of their community. This is a great opportunity for us to show how our Kittredge School community works together to create a safe environment. If you have any questions about these procedures, please feel free to call the school or catch Mr. L. on the corner during drop off. (But remember to park legally before you do!)


September Calendar of Events

Welcome Back Everyone… There’s a Lot Going On!

Friday, September 7: Bagel and Cream Cheese Lunch (if ordered)

Saturday, September 8:Welcome Back Picnic at Mt. Lake Park; 10am to 1pm

Wednesday, September 12: SSAT English Prep Class

Thursday, September 13: NOON DISMISSAL; Student Council Speeches

Thursday, September 13: Back to School Night for Parents; 6:30 to 7:30; doors open at 6:10

Friday, September 14: Pizza Lunch (if ordered); Picture Day!

Tuesday, September 18: SSAT Math Prep Class

Wednesday, September 19:SSAT English Prep Class

Tuesday, September 25: SSAT Math prep class; Science club

Wednesday, September 26: SSAT English Prep Class

Friday, September 28: Chicken Strips Lunch (if ordered)

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