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Kittredge Konnection – November 15, 2016

Tomorrow is Look Alike Day!

Our first school spirit day is tomorrow. We are hoping to have lots of double or triple vision (or more!).


Yosemite Institute Information Night for all 7th & 8th Grade Families, Tonight!

Tonight at 6:00 all 7th and 8th grade families will meet to learn about the outdoor education program at Yosemite Institute.

This meeting will set the tone and go over details to ensure a positive and successful week of outdoor education. We will talk about the academic requirements, behavioral expectations and the importance of team building. You will hear/see what a typical day at Y. I. will be like, and will be able to ask questions and address any concerns you have as a student, parent or family.

This is a very important meeting for first time participants but helpful for everyone.


UNICEF Campaign was a Huge Success… $930.23 Was Donated

Kittredge students and their families outdid themselves this year while collecting for UNICEF during our Halloween trick or treat fundraiser.

As many of you know, UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund) helps mothers and children in developing countries. A little money goes a long way… $5 will give a child 5 days of food; $15 will supply a child with a year’s worth of clean water; $30 will protect 100 kids from measles; $100 will protect 100 children from malaria and $400 will buy a pump to give an entire village clean water.

We have sent $930.23 to UNICEF from Kittredge School. Please give yourselves a hand!


Another Middle School Dance is Coming Soon…

All 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to dance the night away!

Date: Friday, December 2

Time: 7pm to 9:45 (doors close at 8)

Where: Synergy School; 1387 Valencia Street

Please return a permission slip if your child would like to attend: synergy-middle-school-dance-dec-2016


No Study Hall Next Monday and Tuesday!

Due to our field trip on Tuesday, there will be no homework or study hall on both Monday and Tuesday. Extended Day will be open, so Study Hall students will be dismissed at 3 to go home or join Extendo and to be picked up at 4:30.


Whole School Academy of Sciences Field Trip Next Tuesday

Our last day before Thanksgiving Break the whole school will visit the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Students will spend time with their big buddies and their classmates enjoying the exhibits. If you have volunteered to chaperone and have a membership, please let your child’s teacher know.


There will NOT Be Extended Day Next Wednesday

There will be no classes or Extended Day next Wednesday. Thank you all for completing the Survey Monkey form so that we can plan for the holiday break.


Eighth Grade High School Recommendation Forms are Due

We are asking all 8th grade parents to help their children turn in all teacher and principal recommendation forms with stamped, addressed envelopes. Forms can be printed off most school’s websites and should be turned in by Thanksgiving Break to be sure to meet the deadline.


Winter Fair 2016 – Come and See Maria Chambers Pottery!

On Sunday, December 4, the San Francisco Waldorf School – 2938 Washington Street – is hosting a holiday fair. Maria Chambers, our wonderful 5th grade teacher, will be there with some of her pottery items. Stop and say hi to her if you go. You can see her pottery at or on instagram @mariachamberspottery.


Parent Teacher Conferences, December 8 and 9

Thank you to everyone who has returned his or her conference form. We will send home your confirmed time tomorrow.

If you have not yet returned your form, please send it in as soon as possible with your 4 choices. You can download and print a form here if you need one: december-sign-up

If you would rather skip the conference this time and have your child’s report card mailed, please check off that option on the form and return it.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Yesterday afternoon a parent gave me a conference form with no student name on it. It was a 3 page printout from the web and had a beautiful and artistic parent signature on it (but I can’t read it). Unfortunately I can’t remember who it came from and I can’t schedule the conference yet. Please let me know if you think this is yours.


Hamilton House Thanks Kittredge!

The Hamilton Family House Released This on Social Media last Month

Halloween at Hamilton is going to be awesome and spooky thanks to our wonderful volunteers! Big thanks to Molly Giss Wadhwani and family for decorating at our shelter, to Michael Hoy for donating 130 pounds of candy, to AppDynamics, Airbnb, Service Corps, National Charity League, Inc, St. Philip the Apostle School, St. Luke’s School and Kittredge for donating over 600 costumes and National Charity League, Inc. for sorting and organizing all of our Halloween donations. We are #CommunityStrong!

Thank you Caroline Kreutzen for organizing our involvement!


Habit of Mind – Responding with Wonderment and Awe

Thirteen time Footbag world champion, Tuan Vu, showed off his amazing skills today at our second Responding with Wonderment and Awe assembly. His talent is phenomenal, and he was incredibly nice to come share it with us!

Our kids all got together to play footbag immediately after his skills presentation. It was awesome. Thank you Tuan! You are certainly a champion to us!

Please ask your kids about this special demonstration of wonderment and awe.


Looking Ahead at the Calendar…

The holiday season is beginning and there are many special days in the next two months… this includes no school days, early dismissal days, no study hall days, as well as field trip and spirit days. Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. Tuesday, November 15: Yosemite Information Night for 7th and 8th grades

  2. Wednesday, November 16: Look Alike Day

  3. Wednesday, November 16: K/1 Raffle Party

  4. Thursday, November 17: Open House for Prospective Parents

  5. Friday, November 18: Hot Dog Lunch (if ordered)

  6. Friday, November 18: Sibling Applications Due

  7. Friday, November 18: Writing Celebration for 2nd and 3rd graders

  8. Monday, November 21: K to 3rd Thanksgiving Feast; No Study Hall

  9. Tuesday, November 22: Whole school Academy of Sciences field trip; No Study Hall;

  10. Tuesday, November 22: End of Trimester

  11. Wednesday, November 23: No school or Extendo

  12. Thursday and Friday, November 24 & 25: Kittredge will be closed for Thanksgiving Break

  13. Tuesday, November 29: KPA Meeting

  14. to Fri., Nov. 30 to Dec. 2: Fifth grade parent conferences

  15. Thursday, December 1: K to 3rd grades to see Velveteen Rabbit

  16. Thursday, December 8: Student Council Bake Sale hosted by the 6th graders

  17. Thursday & Friday, December 8 & 9: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  18. Thursday, December 15: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening

  19. Thursday, December 15: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  20. Friday, December 16: Noon dismissal – Winter Break begins (Extendo Open 12 to 5)

  21. Monday, December 19 to Monday, January 2: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.

  22. Tuesday, January 3: First day of 2017


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