This Week's News
Thank you KPA for a fabulous event!
The KPA Spring Social was a wonderful night, full of good music, good food, and good company. We are so grateful to the KPA, and especially to Leyla Cebeci, for organizing the evening! It is always such a treat to see everyone all dressed up, laughing, dancing, and having a ball - we're already looking forward to next year!
Futsal Games This Week
Yesterday our Varsity Futsal team played a great game against Presidio Hill. Tomorrow, our Junior Varsity team will face off agains Burkes. The game will be at 5:45pm and will be held at Burkes.
Science Club Session 5 Starts Tomorrow!
"Environment, Engineering, and Green Energy” is our theme for this new 5-week session. How can we help our environment? By reusing, repurposing, and reimagining! This will be a full 5-week session, however please note that there will be no Science Club April 10th, as Kittredge will be closed for Spring Break.
Please see your Konnection email for the registration form!
Conferences this Thursday and Friday, March 28-29
Second trimester conferences will be held next Thursday and Friday, March 28-29. Both days will be minimum days with a noon dismissal.
Next Week's News
Fairytale/Mythology Day Next Wednesday, April 3rd
Peter Pan. Athena. Snow White. Hercules. Do you have a favorite character from a fairytale or ancient myth? You're in luck! Next Wednesday, April 3rd, is Fairytale/Mythology Day, where you can become whoever you want to be! We look forward to seeing our school full of witches, werewolves, gods and goddesses!
Spring is Here, and our Break is Just Around the Corner!
Spring Break begins next Friday, if you can believe it! Please note that there will be no school Monday, April 8-Friday, April 12. If you have any travel plans outside of these dates, please let the office know.
Minimum Day - Friday, April 5th
Next Friday, April 5th, will be a minimum day with a 12pm dismissal. If you would like your child to join drop-in Extendo, please let us know using this Google form.
Looking Ahead
Let's Dance!

We will be holding our annual middle school dance on Friday, April 19th. Students in grades 6-8 are invited us to join us for an evening of 80's-themed fun!
Please use this Google form to RSVP no later than April 17th.
Celebrate 80 Years of Kittredge with Us
We are so excited to invite you to celebrate Kittredge's 80th years!
Please join us on Saturday, April 27th from 2pm-4pm to celebrate 80 years of supportive parent and teacher communities, kind and responsible students, and lifelong learners of every age.
Important Dates
3/27 - Junior Varsity Futsal Game at Burke's, 5:45pm
3/28-3/29 - Minimum Days - Conferences
4/3 - Mythology/Fairytale Day
4/5 - Minimum Day - Spring Break
4/8-4/12 - Spring Break
4/19 - Middle School Dance
4/27 - Kittredge's 80th Birthday Celebration, 2pm-4pm
Join us this Summer!
It's not too late to register for the Kittredge Summer Program! Join us for five weeks of academic English and Math classes; engaging electives like Creative Writing or the Green Energy Project; and walking field trips to places like Baker Beach, Mountain Lake Park, and Lincoln Park.
Please reach out to the office with questions, or learn more at kittredge.org/summer-school.
KPA Korner

Snippet of 8th grade’s art auction piece
The Spring Social was a blast! Thank you Leyla Cebeci for organizing the biggest party Kittredge has seen in many years! Thank you, Kyle, for the beautiful toast to Mr. Young on behalf of the KPA. It was a beautiful evening celebrating our community.
Kittredge Spring Art Auction OPENS April 15th!
Our lovely 1st grade parents are putting their time and energy to make a new way to bid on the artwork made by our kid’s class (and more). It will be fun, easy, and give the WHOLE community a way to participate, from parents, grandparents, family friends, and even alumni!
Donate your items at drop-off, pick-up, or at Jamie’s desk. There will be a special collection box. Look for full details in your inbox!
Here you can add your donation item for the Spring 2024 Auction.
DEADLINE to SIGN-UP for Theater 101: April 8th!
A goal of the KPA is to offer enhanced after school experiences, and we're happy to announce the addition of an afterschool performing arts workshop to the school! The workshop will run from April 15-May 20 on Mondays, 3:15-5:15. It is $150/student, and the deadline to register is April 8. Grade 2-8.
Spring Camping at Bothe-Napa Campground
Spots are still available for the May 3-5 annual camping trip to the beautiful Napa Valley. Please send RSVPs and questions to Leyla Alieva. Please include the number in your party when RSVPing.