Valentines Day at Kittredge – Friday (noon dismissal)!
Please remember that if your child is distributing Valentines’ cards in school, he or she should have one for every member of the class. Candy treats will not be allowed to be eaten in classes and should be used minimally, if at all.
KPA Meeting is Tonight!
Come join other parents on this evening from 6:00 to 7:00pm. Lots of wonderful things are happening. As always, childcare and pizza will be available.
Noon Dismissal This Friday, February 12 – Happy Presidents’ Week!
We have received Friday’s dismissal information and Presidents’ Week Registration Forms via Survey Monkey from just about everyone. Thank you all so much! Extended Day is open next week from Tuesday to Friday from 8am until 6pm. Your child must be registered to attend. Thanks!
If you haven’t let us know where your child will be during Presidents Week, please click here:
NatureBridge: Now in Progress
Last night Mr. Young reported wonderful news about the trip. The bus ride was fun and uneventful, the cabins are heated and cozy, the food is plentiful and good and it all comes with great views.
Another wonderful beginning to an amazing week! We look forward to their cheery, tired faces on Friday evening.
Visitors are in the School
Applicants for next year in grades 1 through 8 are coming in to spend a day in a classroom. Kittredge is designed to have openings for new transfer students in 6th grade and other grades if space is available. Word of mouth has always been our best advertising, so if you know of any families looking for a strong academic yet nurturing environment, please have them call us.
The Kittredge School Talent Show is Scheduled for March 30 at 6:30
**Extended Day will close at 5:30**
Please mark your calendars now to make sure you and your child can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Classes are working on their group performances with Ms. Elisabeth. Each child’s role in the class production is important so please let us know if your child will not be attending the talent show.
Calling all Talent… Talent Show Auditions Will Begin After Presidents’ Week
All students who want to audition for a solo or small group performance at our talent show need to know their act and be ready to perform it in class. Please help your child prepare and please remember that acts can be no longer than 3 minutes. Audition slips must be completed and turned before your child can audition. Forms are available in the office or by clicking the following link: Talent Show Audition
Thank you Brett Rosenberg and Kristen Vilhauer
Thank you to Brett and Kristen for volunteering time on Saturday to represent Kittredge to prospective kindergarten families. We had a very successful play date thanks to you.
Girls Basketball Team is Going to the Semi-Finals!
Kittredge won the first playoff game yesterday! We are going to the Semi-Finals and will play Burkes school at Burkes tomorrow. The game is at 4pm and everyone is welcome to come and cheer on the team. Go Kittredge!
Dates to Remember
Tuesday, February 9
• KPA Meeting from 6 to 7pm
Wednesday, February 10
Very last day to turn in Raffles
Girls Basketball Semi Finals vs. Burkes @ Burkes
Thursday, February 11
• Raffle Drawing
Friday, February 12
Minimum Day; noon dismissal – no Hot Lunch
• 7th & 8th graders return from Yosemite @ 8pm
Monday, February 15
• Presidents’ Day; no school
Tuesday, February 16 – Friday, February 19
• Presidents’ Week; no classes; Extended Day open by reservation
Monday, February 22
• Welcome back!
**********KPA Korner!**********
Last call for Raffle tickets!
A Note from Heather Miller, Raffle Chair
Tickets are due back today… but we can still take them on Wednesday, too. Drawing is on Thursday and hope it will be your lucky day!