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Kittredge Konnection – December 3, 2019


Thank You For Helping Our Food Drive

The San Francisco Rescue Mission has come and picked up our very full food barrel. Thank you all for your holiday spirit.


Parent Conference Confirmations Have Been Returned

Thank you all for your conference request forms. We have completed the scheduling and returned a confirmation slip to your lovely children this afternoon. Please check with them if you haven’t received it yet. See you all next week (if not before)!



No Hot Lunch This Friday, December 6

Because this is the only Friday for a lunch in December, we will skip the entire month and be back in January with lunches to order.


Dismissal Form for Parent Conferences Available Now

Please remember that next Thursday and Friday are noon dismissals so that teachers can meet for parent conferences. Every parent is being asked to complete the survey monkey form so we know where to dismiss your child at Noon.

Thanks in advance! Here’s the link:


Maria Chambers Pottery Pop-Up Shop at The Epicurean Trader (401 Courtland Ave.)

Friday, December 6 from 4 to 7

Maria’s latest pieces will be available to see and purchase at this pop-up shop on Friday. Get a start on holiday gifts while supporting a local artist and former Kittredge teacher. 🙂



Holiday Gift Show at Known Space (1314 8th Avenue)

Saturday, December 7 from 6 to 10pm

This show will feature a diverse array of local Bay Area artists focusing on smaller works to encourage local holiday gift shopping. There will be refreshments, and work will be available to take home at the time of sale. It’s a great way to support our local creative community, as well as provide unique gifts. This event is open to the public, so bring friends!


Congratulations Sasha!

Eighth grader Sasha Briones is dancing with City Ballet in their production of The Nutcracker. She will be on stage dancing as a Big Mice and an Arabian. Way to go, Sasha!!

You can see her perform in The Nutcracker on Saturday and Sunday December 7th and 8th at the Palace of Fine Arts. For details go to:



Student Council Elections

All students interested in running for a classroom or school-wide office must return a signed permission form by Monday, December 9. Our election for next term’s officers will be held on December 13. Student Council is open to students in 4th to 8th grades.


Parent Conferences are next Thursday and Friday

Minimum days are scheduled next Thursday and Friday so that teachers can hold parent conferences. Extended Day is available for students during their conference time. Parents must sign in their child with an Extended Day teacher before they head off to their conference.

Important:Please make sure you arrive on time for your conference so that you can take advantage of the full 20-minute time spot. Because conferences are scheduled back to back, it is important that they end on time.



Pajama Day is Coming on December 18

Everybody’s most comfortable spirit day is right around the corner. On Wednesday, December 18 we will all enjoy a day of school in our favorite PJs, slippers and robes. Please help your child join in on the fun.


Holiday Happening –Thursday, December 19 from 6:30 – 8:15

Extendo Closes at 5pm

All families are invited to attend Kittredge School’s annual Holiday Happening. Please mark your calendars now to make sure you don’t miss this wonderful event.

  1. Please bring a finger food appetizer or dessert to share.

  2. A sandwich snack is provided.

  3. There will be crafts and games for all.

  4. We will end with a community sing-a-long.

  5. As always, a great time is expected!

Rumor has it that Santa will make an appearance.

Important Note To All Parents: During the Holiday Happening we ask parents to supervise their own children. There will be a lot of stimuli throughout the school and it can be overwhelming to some. Also, the party must stay inside the school building. Students will not be able to leave the school without parent supervision.


No School on Friday, December 20

As written in our calendar, Winter Break begins this year on Friday, December 20. The Holiday Happening is the official start of our holiday break.

Kittredge will re-open on January 6th.


December/January Calendar

Tis the season…

With a little more than two weeks of school left before Winter Break, we are packing our calendar full of activities! Please take a look so you don’t miss anything!

  1. Today: No Science Club

  2. Wednesday, December 4: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30

  3. Friday, December 6: NO HOT LUNCH; Chess Club

  4. Monday, December 9: Student Council forms returned

  5. Tuesday and Wednesday 10 and 11: Science club 3:15 to 4:30

  6. Thursday & Friday, December 12 & 13: Parent Conferences

  7. Thursday, December 12: Student Council Speeches; Noon dismissal; No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  8. Friday, December 13: Student Council Election; Noon dismissal; No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  9. Tuesday and Wednesday 17 and 18: Science club 3:15 to 4:30

  10. Wednesday, December 18: Pajama Day

  11. Thursday, December 19: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening

  12. Thursday, December 19: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  13. Friday, December 20 to Sunday, January 5: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.

  14. Monday, January 6: First day of 2020


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