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Kittredge Konnection – April 18, 2023

This Week’s News

Welcome Back, Everyone!

We hope that everyone had a sweet and sunny Spring Break! We’re having a blast seeing everyone back in the Kittredge halls.

Thank you to our community for sending in your tests and being Covid-safe superstars! Your diligence keeps our community safe.

Celebrating Earth Week, Kittredge Style 

Yesterday, Monday, April 17, the organization Refuse Refuse came to Kittredge for a neighborhood clean-up. After an assembly, students and teachers broke off into groups and filled bag after bag of trash in only 45 minutes! You can celebrate Earth Day every day – see the RefuseRefuse Website for local cleanups in your area.

See more photos of our kids in cleaning action on our instagram @kittredgeschool

Bake Sale Results

We are proud to announce that the student council raised a total of $470 for the organization #TeamSeas! That’s 470 pounds of trash cleaned from our oceans! 

5th Grade Goes to the Movies

Today our fifth graders are off to the Castro Theatre for the SF Film festival. They’ll get to settle into the gorgeous theatre and watch a series of short films. What a fun way to spend a Tuesday – you may want to ask your fifth grader what they learned!

Varsity Futsal Double-Header Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19 our Varsity Futsal team will wrap up the season with a Double-Header at CAIS. Come cheer on our team against Presidio Hill at 3:30, or against Synergy at 5:30 – Go Coyotes!!!

8th Grade Bridge Hike

This Thursday, April 19, the 8th grade class will put their Yosemite hiking skills to use and head out for an all-day bridge hike! Students should bring a water bottle, lunch and a snack. Students will want to wear comfortable shoes and warm layers.

Middle School Dance This Friday

We are hosting a Middle School Dance at Kittredge this Friday, April 21 from 7-9pm. Get ready for neon, glow sticks, and a night to remember!

Permission slips were distributed in class. Additional copies are available via email from the office. Please return the signed permission slip to the office by tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19 if your 6th, 7th or 8th grader will attend.

If your child is attending the dance this Friday, please take a moment to fill out this Google form:

Talent Show Videos Still Available

Thanks to our resident videographer Mr. Young and his assistant, Kittredge Alum Cerys Cherny, a video of the entire Talent Show is now available on thumb drive. Parents can purchase their own copy of the video for $20, which goes directly to the KPA. Please email Jamie if you’d like a copy.

Next Week’s News

Next Stop – The DeYoung!

Next Wednesday, April 26, the 5th grade class will see art up close as they take a field trip to the DeYoung! Students should bring lunch, a snack, and comfortable walking shoes.

Looking Ahead

May the 4th Be With You

Our next spirit day will be Star Wars Day on Thursday, May 4th. Come dressed as your favorite Jedi, Wookie, Robot or Sith – looking forward to seeing your costumes we are!

It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up for the Kittredge Summer Program!

You don’t want to miss out on this year’s summer program, which runs from Tuesday, June 20 through Friday, July 21.

Summer School is broken up into three parts of the day:

Morning Academic Program: 9am-12pm

The Kittredge Morning Academic Program emphasizes the basic skills of mathematics, reading, and English language arts. Our small class size (maximum of 15 students) allows each teacher to engage the students in a variety of activities to enrich their academic foundation, keeping them involved and interested in learning. Students are assessed and placed in learning groups not by grade alone, but by achievement level as well. Tuition is $1750.00 for the 5-week academic session.

Afternoon Enrichment Classes 12pm-3pm

Arts and crafts, music, poetry, and other recreational activities will be available during these hours.

Field trips will take place on Friday afternoons and will round out these fun days.  Students will walk to Baker Beach, the Presidio and a variety of local playgrounds. 

Extended Day Program: 7:45am-9am & 3pm-6pm

Activities, puzzles, games, supervised study, and quiet reading time are available in conjunction with the Morning Academic Program. A snack will be provided at 4:30pm. The Afternoon Enrichment Classes plus the Extended Day program are $650.00 for the 5-week after school session.

The deadline for summer registration is Monday, May 15.

Sign up now using the following Google form:

Important Dates

Wednesday, April 19 – Varsity Futsal Double Header vs PHS at 3:30, Synergy at 5:30

Wednesday, April 19 – Middle School Dance Permission Slips DUE

Friday, April 21 – Middle School Dance at 7:00

Thursday, May 25 – Beach Clean-Up and Picnic

Friday, May 26 – School Closed – Teacher Development Day

Monday, May 29 – School Closed – Memorial Day

Friday, June 2 – Field Day

Tuesday, June 6 – 8th Grade Graduation

Wednesday, June 7 – Minimum Day – Teacher Work Day

Wednesday, June 7 – Step-Up Day

Thursday, June 8 – Minimum Day – Last Day of School

Tuesday, June 20-Friday, July 21 – Kittredge Summer Program

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