This Week's News
Habit of Mind: Creating, Imagining, and Innovating
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
Joseph Chilton Pearce
We believe that everyone has the capacity for creativity, and that imagination should be encouraged. One’s best ideas often come from imagination, fantasy, and play.
This month, encourage your kids to create and try something new - the lesson is in the attempt, not always in its success! Dream up something new and bring it into reality by drawing, play-acting, sculpting, or any other creative outlet. Whatever you try, remember not to take yourselves too seriously when you do… this month’s Habit of Mind is all about using your imagination and having fun!
Kittredge does it again! Our volleyball team successfully defeated Gateway on Friday and we couldn’t be more proud! Their next game will be against KIPP Bayview at Shipwreck on Tuesday, October 10 at 4:00. Go Coyotes!
Cross Country
Our next Cross Country meet will be on Friday, October 13 at Hellman Hollow. The walkthrough is at 4:00, and the race begins at 4:30.
6th Grade is Going to Land’s End
Kevin is taking our sixth grade class on their annual Land’s End hike tomorrow, October 4. Students should be sure to bring a water bottle and a hearty lunch, and should wear comfortable walking shoes.
Open Houses
Do you know a family that would be a great Kittredge fit? Invite them to one of our Open Houses!
Prospective parents are invited to join us and chat with Ms. Pon-Barry, Mr. Young, and Ms. Grazi, as well as a few Kittredge students and parents at the following dates and times:
Thursday, October 5 from 7pm-8pm
Saturday, October 7 from 10am-11am
Thursday, November 2 from 7pm-8pm
Interested parents can sign up for their Open House at kittredge.org/admissions.
Sharing this info via instagram is easy too. Click here.
Mastering the Private High School Application Process
Hi, my name is Jessica Kinloch, and I am passionate about guiding students to relax and yes, even lean into the test prep and private school admissions process.
This process is rigorous and time consuming, and it often can be fraught with anxiety. Even if your child is not applying to a high school that requires test scores, gaining prior experience before the SAT/ACT and college application process is always extremely helpful.
So first, let me introduce myself. I am a seasoned educator and I taught high school math before shifting to private academic and test prep tutoring. I currently tutor a wide range of academic subjects, help students gain skills and confidence in test prep, and, most importantly, aid them in mastering the mental game. (HINT: It’s all about having FUN!)
My professional bio is here: https://www.advantagetesting.com/tutors/jessica-kinloch
I am beyond excited to work with Kittredge students!
Mastering the Private High School Application Process will be offered after school on Wednesdays from 3:15 to 4:15. It will be a set of 8 small-group classes, covering such topics as value setting and intentions, reading comprehension, problem solving, authentic essays, and timing strategies.
Classes will be limited in size to maximize the amount of individual support. This class is offered for 6th through 8th graders, with 8th graders getting priority, then 7th, and so on. The cost is $480, due by the first class, which will be Wednesday, Oct. 11. Following sign up, I will email additional specifics.
If you are interested, please fill out the following Google Form:
I’m happy to answer any additional questions! Please email me at jkinloch@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Jessica Kinloch
(Ola and Memo Madrigal’s mom)
Next Week’s News
Fall Holiday
It’s that time of year already! Fall Holiday is next Monday, October 9. School will be closed, and will resume on Tuesday, October 10. Have a wonderful long weekend.
K-3rd Grade is Going to the Pumpkin Patch
One of our favorite annual field trips is just around the corner! On Thursday, October 12, Ms. Grazi’s K-1 class and Ms. Horrocks’ 2-3 class will go on a field trip to the Petaluma Pumpkin Patch. Parents should be sure to send students with a water bottle and a hearty lunch. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
Looking Ahead
Halloween Parade
Rumor has it that we can expect some witches, warlocks, goblins, and ghouls coming to Kittredge at the end of the month… that’s right, the Kittredge Halloween Parade will be Tuesday, October 31 at 2pm. Parents and siblings are encouraged to join us as we parade around the block before arriving at Rochambeau to sing Halloween songs led by Gianfranco.
To ensure that every child is accounted for, we kindly ask that you check out with a teacher before leaving the celebration with your child.
KPA Korner
Fall Social on Saturday, 10/28 at 6:30
Join parents and teachers for a night out at the Stephens' house! Look forward to fun, festivities and a little bit of fundraising! Fall raffle winners will be pulled live and Fall Count-Me-In sign-ups open up that evening as well. Be on the look-out for an invitation from the Stephens.
Seeking Donations for the Fall Raffle
Do you have a few bottles of wine, a restaurant gift certificate, sports tickets or other goods or services to donate? The Fall Raffle is one of the major KPA fundraisers of the year. Tickets will go on sale next week. Please contact Mindee Kashiwagi at mfkashiwagi@gmail.com to donate items to raffle off at the Fall Social! Donations due October 6.
Hosts Needed for Fall Count-Me-Ins
CMIs help build relationships AND raise funds for the KPA. All proceeds go to support teachers, student enrichment and activities, and this community's events. Past CMIs include: pasta making, tea parties, beach clean-ups, local hikes and more. Contact Leyla Cebeci at cebecigirls@gmail.com to brainstorm ideas or submit your idea today! Submissions due Oct. 20.
Join us via Zoom at the next KPA meeting on October 10 at 7 p.m.
Next Two Weeks At A Glance
October 4 - SI Visit
October 4 - 6th Grade Land’s End Field Trip
October 5 - Cross Country practice
October 5 - Open House 7pm
October 6 - Bay to visit 12:30
October 7 - Open House 10am
October 9 - School Closed for Fall Holiday
October 10 - Volleyball vs. KIPP Bayview at 4:00
October 10 - KPA Zoom Meeting
October 12 - K-3 Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
October 12 - Cross Country practice