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Kittredge Konnection – May 15, 2018

This Week’s Highlights

You Can Order Your Kittredge Yearbook Now

The Kittredge School yearbooks will be here soon. Kevin and the Yearbook Committee worked hard to use pictures that will stir memories of this year for students throughout the school. Yearbook signing will be May 31 and the books will be distributed then.

If you would like to have a Kittredge School yearbook, please click here for a form. 2018 yearbook orders. There will also be extra forms in the office if you have trouble printing one.


Speaking of Ordering… Kittredge Gear is Available at the Sports Shop

Ms. Gules worked with BSN Sports again to open one last Kittredge Gear Store. It will be open from May 9thto May 17th.

You can order online at; Access code: KSP18. Or you can download a flyer here. Kittredge SPRING Team Shop_KITTREDGE SCHOOL_BSN Sports


Take Me Out to the Ball Game – Tomorrow, May 16

Tomorrow our 7thand 8thgraders will head over to AT&T Park to eat, and oh yeah, cheer on the Giants! They will leave the Park when the game ends or at 3:45 and will return to Kittredge by 5pm.


Kindergarten Family Welcome – Tomorrow at 2:45!

Newly accepted Kindergarteners and their families have been invited to meet their Kittredge classmates and teachers tomorrow afternoon. We look forward to meeting our newest families and sharing some time together.


No Study Hall This Thursday; No Classes This Friday

Study Hall students may join Extendo on Thursday if you need the coverage. They will be at Rochambeau until 4:30.

Also, thank you to everyone for completing the Survey Monkey form for Friday’s Staff Day. We will be open for the students who have been registered.


Next Week’s Highlights

Pajama Day is Next Thursday – May 24

Everyone is invited to join this fun spirit day. Wear your favorite jammies to school for the day… what could be more relaxing?


Last Day of Study Hall is Next Thursday, May 24

As written on the contract, Thursday, May 24 will be the end of study hall and therefore the end of most daily homework assignments. There may, however, still be some work that students will be asked to complete at home. Extended Day drop in is available for any student who needs after school care.


End of Year Picnic and Beach Clean Up – Next Friday, May 25

The annual Kittredge end of the year picnic will be on Friday, May 25 at Baker Beach. Parents and families are invited to join us, so mark your calendars. The school will furnish paper products, condiments, ice and charcoal. Each class member will be asked to bring something from the following:

K/1: chips – 2 bags each

2/3: drinksthree 2-liter bottles each (no caffeine; water is recommended)

4/5: hot dogs & buns – 1 or 2 packs each

6: cookies – 1 or 2 bags each

7 & 8: salads or side dish – enough for 10

At 10:30 (while the picnic is being set up) the school will be leading an organized clean up of the beach area. The picnic will begin when the clean up is finished. Parents are welcome to come, help and eat.


More Highlights in May and June

8th Grade Paddle Boarding at 101 Water Sports – May 29

Our 8thgraders, and their teacher (and a driver or two), will spend a beautiful day in Marin County starting at 101 Water Sports. Thank you to the Wells family for helping this to happen.


Sports Banquet – May 30

Student athletes and their families have been invited to attend a pizza party/banquet to celebrate their success. We’re looking forward to a lovely time.


K/1 Pocket Bears with Grandma L.

Ms. Pon-Barry’s K/1 class will spend some quality time with the charming and talented Grandma L. making a special keepsake. A good time and lovely memory is guaranteed.


Yearbook Signing – May 31

The whole school joins the fun of signing each other’s yearbooks. Classroom doors open at 2pm so that students in every class can walk through the school and find each other.


Field Day – June 1 in Peacock Meadow, Golden Gate Park

We are planning a great day of outdoor fun and activities in Peacock Meadow. Continuing students can begin their search for their team color accessories, and new students will get their team color soon. Field Day t-shirts (thank you KPA!) will be distributed to everyone on that day… expect to have a great time! Details will be in next week’s Konnection.


Next Year’s Highlights

Next Year’s Yosemite Dates are Set… Mark your Calendar!

All parents of 6th and 7th graders (next year’s 7th & 8th grades) should know that our dates for NatureBridge/Yosemite are set, and they are different from the last several years. We will be heading out on Sunday, December 2, and returning on Friday, December 7, 2018. As always, we’re looking forward to a great experience!


KPA Korner

Auction Vases and Name Tags

Please return to Trudy any vases you took home from the auction. And we’d like your nametags, too. Thank you!


May/June Calendar: Don’t Miss Any of the Fun!

May 15 & 16:science club

May 16:7thand 8thgraders to AT&T Park to cheer on the Giants

May 17: No Study Hall

May 18: No Classes; Staff Development/Work Day

May 22&23: NOscience club this week

May 24:Pajama Day; Last day of Study Hall

May 25: Whole School Picnic and Beach Clean Up

May 28: No School – Memorial Day

May 29: 8thGrade Paddle Board

May 29 & 30: Last science club

May 30: Sports Banquet; Pocket Bears with Grandma L.

May 31: Yearbook Signing

June 1: Field Day

June 4: K/1 graduation and 2/3 graduation

June 5: 8th grade graduation

June 6: Minimum Day; Teacher Appreciation Lunch

June 7: Minimum Day; Last Day of School

August 29: First Day for the 2018-2019 School Year!


Root, root, root for the home team(s)!


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