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Kittredge Konnection March 19, 2019


Sixth Grade Bridge Breaking Ceremony – Wednesday (tomorrow) at 1:45

Our 6th grade class has spent several weeks on a Bridge Building project. Each of the three independent groups is working collaboratively to build the strongest bridge they can. Once this is completed, they test the strength with the Bridge Breaking Ceremony. All 6th grade parents are invited to watch.


Our Second Trimester Ends This Friday, March 22

Grades and assignments for the second trimester on TeacherEase will be completed this week. Our third and final trimester will begin next week. Parent Conferences are April 4 and 5.




Thursday, March 28 – Talent Show at JCCSF

No Study Hall; Extendo will close at 5:00

Please join us at Kanbar Hall in the JCCSF for a great time! The show begins at 6:15 so make sure that you are there by 6:00. You won’t want to miss a minute of this wonderful evening.

To help plan for the evening, please note that the show is expected to be about two hours this year.

The atrium is reserved for us from 5:30 to 6:00 and there will be coffee, light snacks and waters available at that time, thank you KPA! No food, water or coffee is allowed in Kanbar Hall, so come early to have a snack.


Friday, March 29 – Staff Development Day

No Classes; Extended Day will Open for 5 or more Students

There will be no classes next Friday (the day after the Talent Show) so that our teachers can have a workday. Please complete the survey monkey form so we know if your child will need Extendo.

This Survey Monkey Link is for both Staff Development and for Parent Conferences:



April 4 and 5 – Parent Conferences

Thank you to everyone for returning your conference forms. Confirmations of your time are being returned to your children to bring home on Friday… so please check their backpacks over the weekend!

If you haven’t returned a conference form yet, please download it here April Sign up (or you can pick one up in the office) and let us know your 4 choices or if you prefer to have the report card mailed home.

Please remember that school will be dismissed at noon and there will be no Study Hall on conference days. Extended Day will be open for those who have a signed contract or want per-diem coverage for their child.

The survey monkey link above is for Minimum Day sign ups during conferences as well as our Staff Development Day.



Spring Break begins Monday, April 8th

There will be no classes the week of Spring Break but Extendo will be open for a minimum enrollment of 5 students. A Survey Monkey registration will be sent home next week.


Tdap Vaccine Reminder – Please complete during Spring Break

Kittredge 6th grade students must have a Tdap booster to enter 7th grade in September. Proof of this immunization must be turned in by April 15th. No student will be permitted to attend 7th grade at Kittredge without this immunization update.



Summer at Kittredge – June 17 to July 19

Summer is a great opportunity to engage children in activities that enrich their academic foundation and keep them involved and interested in learning.

Our 5-week summer program is open to students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, please return an enrollment form to reserve a space for your child. Applications are available here Summer 2019 brochure or in the office.



Thank you for a Real Good Time

A note from the KPA Auction Chairs

Saturday night was a lovely time and a successful event thanks to you and your support of our community. The food, the music and company all helped to create a wonderful evening.


Calling All Name Tags

A quick reminder that if you still have your name tag, please drop it off with Trudy in the office. Thanks again for a great time!



Important Dates in the Next Two Weeks

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 19 and 20

  1. Science with Ms. Rose

Wednesday, March 20

  1. 6th Grade Bridge Breaking @ 1:45

  2. Futsal vs. CDS at 4:00pm at Columbia Boys and Girls Club

Thursday, March 21

  1. Futsal Practice at Rochambeau 3:15 to 4:15 (weather permitting)

Friday, March 22

  1. Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

  2. Writing Celebration in 2nd and 3rd grade class

  3. Kindergarten visitor

  4. End of 2nd Trimester

Monday, March 25

  1. Talent Show Practice in Rochambeau @ 2pm

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 26 and 27

  1. Science with Ms. Rose

Thursday, March 28

  1. Talent Show at SFJCC at 6:15pm sharp

  2. No Study Hall

  3. Extendo closes at 5:00pm

Friday, March 29

  1. Staff work day

  2. No classes

  3. Extendo for 5 or more

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