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Kittredge Konnection – March 13, 2018

KPA Meeting Tonight!

All parents are invited to the March KPA meeting at 6:00pm this evening. As always there will be childcare and a pizza snack available for Kittredge students.


BADA “Silent Week” Begins

This will be the last Konnection that we send out to our prospective families. The Bay Area Directors of Admission (BADA) have all agreed that schools will not communicate with applicant families once decision letters have been mailed. Please know that applicant families are free to contact us with any questions and we are available and happy to answer them.


Good Luck to the Kittredge Quiz Bowl Team

The Kittredge Quiz Bowl Team consists of five talented 7th and 8th graders. They train/practice each Friday and have been to two tournaments so far. Their 3rd Quiz Bowl will be this Saturday in Citrus Heights. Way to go Mark Pinski, Margaret Veatch, Dexter Liu, Tilden Stadtmiller and Joel Arceneaux… we’re rooting for you!


Tdap Vaccine For 7th Grade Entrance

The state of California requires a Tdap vaccine for all students to be able to enter 7th grade in September. All students current 6th graders entering 7th grade at Kittredge must turn in proof of this immunization by April 15th. If your child still needs the vaccine, please schedule it during Spring Break. If he or she already has it, please have your doctor send us the immunization record.


The Kittredge School Talent Show is Next Week, March 22 at 6:30

***Important: No Study Hall; Extendo will close at 5:00***

Please join us at Kanbar Hall in the JCCSF for a great time! The atrium is reserved for us from 5:30 to 6:15 and there will be some coffee, light snacks and waters available at that time, thank you KPA!

The doors to Kanbar Hall will be open at 6:10, but no food or drink, including water, can be brought inside. Please make sure that you are there by 6:15 so you don’t miss a minute of this wonderful evening.

Important information on class Talent Show costumes is below:

Note: No LOGOS, Patterns, or busy prints for any of the outfits

K/1: Red and Black outfits. Any combo of red and or black shirts pants/shorts

Props: Capes in gallon size ziplock plastic bags with child’s name on tape on outside of bag


2/3rd: Student decorated White tee shirts (Kittredge will provide and decorate in art class)

Dark (Blue or black) pants/shorts/leggings


4/5th: Boys: Black sweats white shirt; Girls: Black Leggings white shirt


6th: Black or Dark clothing; Props: Fire streamers


7th: Girls: Black Leggings and a Blue Shirt; Boys: Black T Shirt and Blue Pants


8th: Kittredge Sweatshirt; Dark Pants


Parent Teacher Conferences, March 29 and 30

Please Return the Conference Form as Soon as Possible

The second trimester of the year will end on March 16 and we are holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday, March 29 and 30. School will be dismissed at noon and conferences will be from 12:30 to 5 on both days.

In order to best accommodate special circumstances and sibling conferences, we are continuing to schedule these conferences by hand. Please return the attached form with your 4 choices as soon as possible so we can schedule one of your preferred times.

If you would rather skip the conference this time and have your child’s report card mailed, please check off that option on the form and return it.

Parents can print your conference form here: March Sign up


Thank you Anatoly

Anatoly Bushler, Jacob and Ari’s dad, has been offering an optional afterschool Entrepreneurial Club for our 4th and 5th graders. The mission of the club is to help Kittredge students better understand the world around them through the lens of entrepreneurship, business and finance, and give them a hands-on feel for how they can use entrepreneurship and innovation to make the world a better place. The students are excited and engaged and we can’t wait to see what business ideas they come up with.

Thank you for your time and experience, Anatoly!


Summer at Kittredge – June 18 to July 20

Summer is a great opportunity to engage children in activities that enrich their academic foundation and keep them involved and interested in learning.

Our 5-week summer program is open to students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, please return an enrollment form to reserve a space for your child. You can print a registration form here Summer 2018 brochure ; pick one up in the office or download one from our website.


KPA Korner

The KPA Annual Auction on Saturday, April 28th is Quickly Approaching!

Ways you can help support the Kittredge community today:

  1. Click KPA_2018_Donation_Form and make a donation to the Auction or click here to host a Count-Me-In (by April 2nd).

  2. Visit 2018 KPA Auction and Dinner to become a sponsor and buy your tickets (by April 20th please).

  3. Best of all…get a sitter, and join us for an elegant dinner and great evening of fun!


Important Dates in the Next Two Weeks

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13 and 14

  1. New Science with Ms. Rose

Wednesday, March 14

  1. 6th grade Bridge Breaking at 1:45

Thursday, March 15

  1. No Study Hall; 2nd/3rd grade class State Fair Dioramas

  2. 7th and 8th grades to MOMA

Friday, March 16

  1. End of Second Trimester; Staff Work Day; No Classes; No Hot Lunch; No Chess

  2. Extendo for 5 or more

Wednesday, March 21

  1. K/1 to Herbst Theater for Henry and Midge

  2. 4/5 to library

Thursday, March 22

  1. Talent Show at 6:30; Extendo closes at 5

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