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Kittredge Konnection – February 27, 2018


New Month… New Hot Lunches

There are 3 Fridays for lunches in March. Please click here for a form and return it to your child’s teacher by Thursday if you would like to order a lunch. March Lunches: March 2018 Hot Lunch


Our Second Trimester Ends March 16

Please remember that all middle school parents can check on their child’s grades and assignments using their TeacherEase account. With three weeks of the grading period left, now is a great time to see what is going on!


Staff Development Day – March 16

There will be no classes on Friday, March 16. This staff development day will give us a chance to meet, prepare and review curriculum.

Extended Day will be open for 5 or more students. A Survey Monkey questionnaire will be emailed next week and we ask each parent to respond with a “yes” or “no” whether their child will attend Extendo. Thank you in advance!


Congratulations to the Kittredge Quiz Bowl Team!

Kittredge came in third on Saturday. This is an amazing result for only their second competition and it was a large and challenging meet. Way to go!!


Community Service at Yosemite National Park

NatureBridge coordinates various stewardships with the National Park Service. While at Yosemite National Park, our students volunteered to participate in a stewardship to eradicate invasive Vinca plants from the Park. We just received a letter of appreciation from the superintendent Yosemite thanking us for our help. Click here for the letter: Kittredge School Stewardship Letter


NatureBridge Pictures – Check them Out

If you have some free time we know how you can fill it. There are two links below leading to well over a thousand photos of the 7th and 8th grades adventure at NatureBridge/Yosemite.

These are from David Wells (Haile’s dad) who was with Ms. Rose’s hiking group:

and these are from Mr. Young’s hiking group:

Or, come and take a look in the lobby at some highlight pictures of the amazing experience at Yosemite.

Also, a sleeping bag, pillow (with a shark pillow case) and a 49ers sheet was left here from the Yosemite bus. Please let us know if these are yours… they will be donated if not claimed.


The Kittredge School Talent Show is Scheduled for March 22 at 6:30

Extended Day will close at 5:00

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you and your child can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Classes are busy working on their group performances with David Silverman. We hope all students and families will attend.

Each child’s role in the class production is important so please let us know if your child will not be attending the talent show.

Important note to parents: Music for your child’s performance must be turned in to David by Friday. Karaoke tracks are needed for singers and all performances have a 3 minute limit.


KPA Korner

KPA Social Event – March 10 – Save the Date!

Everyone should have received an evite to this fun evening graciously hosted by the McConnell family. Hope to see you there!


March 5 to 8; Community Service – Project Cicero Bay Area At Kittredge!

We are pleased to bring you the exciting news that the Kittredge community will be partnering with Project Cicero Bay Area, a children’s book drive designed to create and supplement classroom libraries in schools that desperately need books. Many other San Francisco schools are participating, and together, we hope to collect and distribute thousands of books to over 300 teachers, reaching 10,000 students in need.

The book drive is scheduled to run from Monday, March 5 through Thursday, March 8.

Books in need are: Beginning Readers, Picture Books, Board Books, Early and Middle Grade Chapter Books, Young Adult Fiction, Graphic Novels, Classic Literature, Geography/History, Multicultural Literature, Biographies, Poetry, Plays/Drama, Up-to-date Reference.

Please no Adult Books or textbooks.


The Next Three Weeks At a Glance…

Tuesday, February 27 (today)

  1. 5th grade visitor

  2. Science with Ms. Rose

Wednesday, February 28

  1. K/1 class to Richmond Library

  2. 5th grade visitor

  3. Science with Ms. Rose

Thursday, March 1

  1. 5th grade visitor

Friday, March 2

  1. 2/3 class Writing Celebration

  2. K/1 class with 8th grade buddies celebrate Holi at Baker Beach

  3. Bagel lunch (Order Form attached to Konnection)

  4. Chess

Monday, March 5 to Thursday, March 8

  1. Project Cicero

Tuesday, March 6

  1. Last Science with Ms. Rose

Wednesday, March 7

  1. 2/3 class to Asian Art Museum

  2. Last Science with Ms. Rose

  3. 5th grade visitor

Friday, March 9

  1. Pizza lunch if ordered

  2. Chess

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13 and 14

  1. New Science with Ms. Rose (Registration will follow)

Thursday, March 15

  1. No Study Hall; 2nd/3rd grade class State Fair Dioramas

  2. 7th and 8th grades to MOMA

Friday, March 16

  1. End of Second Trimester; Staff Work Day; No Classes; No Hot Lunch; No Chess

  2. Extendo for 5 or more (Survey going home next week)


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